live a happy life

Many of us rely on a morning cup of coffee or a jolt of caffeine in the afternoon to help us get through the day.

Friday 29 December 2017

The reason for premature death

The top 10 leading causes of death 
  1. Heart disease
  2. Cancer (malignant neoplasms)
  3. Chronic lower respiratory disease
  4. Accidents (unintentional injuries)
  5. Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases)
  6. Alzheimer's disease
  7. Diabetes
  8. Influenza and pneumonia
  9. Kidney disease (nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis)
  10. Suicide

12 Causes of confused depression

Why am I impressed?

There are many well-known depression triggers: Trauma, grief, financial troubles, and unemployment are just a few. 

But if you are depressed and none of these apply to you, it can be hard to pinpoint a specific cause. 

In truth, there may not be a concrete reason for your depression. But here are some little-known causes to consider.


Smoking has long been linked with depression, though it's a chicken-or-egg scenario: People who are depression-prone may be more likely to take up the habit. 

However, nicotine is known to affect neurotransmitter activity in the brain, resulting in higher levels of dopamine and serotonin (which is also the mechanism of action for antidepressant drugs). 

This may explain the addictive nature of the drug, and the mood swings that come with withdrawal, as well as why depression is associated with smoking cessation. Avoiding cigarettes—and staying smoke free—could help balance your brain chemicals.

Summer weather

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is most commonly associated with winter blues, and it afflicts about 5% of Americans. 

But for less than 1% of those people, this form of depression strikes in the summer. Warm weather depression arises when the body experiences a "delay adjusting to new seasons," says Alfred Lewy, MD, professor of psychiatry at Oregon Health and Science University, in Portland. 

Instead of waking and enjoying dawn, the body has a hard time adjusting, he says, which could be due to imbalances in brain chemistry and the hormone melatonin.

Thyroid disease

When the thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland in the neck, doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone, it's known as hypothyroidism, and depression is one of its symptoms. This hormone is multifunctional, but one of its main tasks is to act as a neurotransmitter and regulate serotonin levels. If you experience new depression symptoms—particularly along with cold sensitivity, constipation, and fatigue—a thyroid test couldn't hurt. Hypothyroidism is treatable with medication. 

Poor sleep habits

It's no surprise that sleep deprivation can lead to irritability, but it could also increase the risk of depression. 

A 2007 study found that when healthy participants were deprived of sleep, they had greater brain activity after viewing upsetting images than their well-rested counterparts, which is similar to the reaction that depressed patients have, noted one of the study authors. 

"If you don't sleep, you don't have time to replenish [brain cells], the brain stops functioning well, and one of the many factors that could lead to is depression," says Matthew Edlund, MD, director of the Center for Circadian Medicine, in Sarasota, Fla., and author of The Power of Rest.

End of a TV show or movie

When something important comes to an end, like a TV show, movie, or a big home renovation, it can trigger depression in some people. In 2009, some Avatar fans reported feeling depressed and even suicidal because the movie's fictional world wasn't real. There was a similar reaction to the final installments of the Harry Potter movies. 

"People experience distress when they're watching primarily for companionship," said Emily Moyer-Gusé, PhD, assistant professor of communication at Ohio State University, in Columbus. With Avatar, Moyer-Gusé suspects people were "swept up in a narrative forgetting about real life and [their] own problems."

Facebook overload

Spending too much time in chat rooms and on social-networking sites? A number of studies now suggest that this can be associated with depression, particularly in teens and preteens. Internet addicts may struggle with real-life human interaction and a lack of companionship, and they may have an unrealistic view of the world. Some experts even call it "Facebook depression." 

In a 2010 study, researchers found that about 1.2% of people ages 16 to 51 spent an inordinate amount of time online, and that they had a higher rate of moderate to severe depression. However, the researchers noted that it is not clear if Internet overuse leads to depression or if depressed people are more likely to use the Internet.

Where you live

You can endlessly debate whether city or country life is better. But research has found that people living in urban settings do have a 39% higher risk of mood disorders than those in rural regions. A 2011 study in the journal Nature offers an explanation for this trend: City dwellers have more activity in the part of the brain that regulates stress. And higher levels of stress could lead to psychotic disorders. 

Depression rates also vary by country and state. Some states have higher rates of depression and affluent nations having higher rates than low-income nations. Even altitude may play a role, with suicide risk going up with altitude.

Too many choices

The sheer number of options available—whether it's face cream, breakfast cereal, or appliances—can be overwhelming. That's not a problem for shoppers who pick the first thing that meets their needs, according to some psychologists. However, some people respond to choice overload by maximizing, or exhaustively reviewing their options in the search for the very best item. Research suggests that this coping style is linked to perfectionism and depression.

Lack of fish in the diet

Low intake of omega-3 fatty acids, found in salmon and vegetable oils, may be associated with a greater risk of depression. A 2004 Finnish study found an association between eating less fish and depression in women, but not in men. These fatty acids regulate neurotransmitters like serotonin, which could explain the link. Fish oil supplements may work too; at least one study found they helped depression in people with bipolar disorder.

Poor sibling relationships

Although unhappy relationships with anyone can cause depression, a 2007 study in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that men who didn't get along with their siblings before age 20 were more likely to be depressed later in life than those who did. Although it's not clear what's so significant about sibling relationships (the same wasn't true for relationships with parents), researchers suggest that they could help children develop the ability to relate with peers and socialize. Regardless of the reason, too much squabbling is associated with a greater risk of developing depression before age 50.

Birth control pills

Like any medication, the Pill can have side effects. Oral contraceptives contain a synthetic version of progesterone, which studies suggest can lead to depression in some women. The reason is still unknown, says Hilda Hutcherson, MD, clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Columbia University, in New York. "It doesn't happen to everyone, but if women have a history of depression or are prone to depression, they have an increased chance of experiencing depression symptoms while taking birth control pills," Dr. Hutcherson says. "Some women just can't take the Pill; that's when we start looking into alternative contraception, like a diaphragm, which doesn't contain hormones."

Rx medications

Depression is a side effect of many medications. For example, Accutane and its generic version (isotretinoin) are prescribed to clear up severe acne, but depression and suicidal thoughts are a potential risk for some people. Depression is a possible side effect for anxiety and insomnia drugs, including Valium and Xanax; Lopressor, prescribed to treat high blood pressure; cholesterol-lowering drugs including Lipitor; and Premarin for menopausal symptoms. Read the potential side effects when you take a new medication, and always check with your doctor to see if you might be at risk.

Reasons for diabetes.

Symptoms of diabetes include
  • increased thirst and urination
  • increased hunger
  • fatigue
  • blurred vision
  • numbness or tingling in the feet or hands
  • sores that do not heal
  • unexplained weight loss
Symptoms of type 1 diabetes can start quickly, in a matter of weeks. Symptoms of type 2 diabetes often develop slowly—over the course of several years—and can be so mild that you might not even notice them. Many people with type 2 diabetes have no symptoms. Some people do not find out they have the disease until they have diabetes-related health problems, such as blurred vision or heart trouble.

What causes diabetes?

Insufficient production of insulin (either absolutely or relative to the body's needs), production of defective insulin (which is uncommon), or the inability of cells to use insulin properly and efficiently leads to hyperglycemia and diabetes.
  • This latter condition affects mostly the cells of muscle and fat tissues, and results in a condition known as insulin resistance. This is the primary problem in type 2 diabetes.
  • The absolute lack of insulin, usually secondary to a destructive process affecting the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas, is the main disorder in type 1 diabetes.
In type 2 diabetes, there also is a steady decline of beta cells that adds to the process of elevated blood sugars. Essentially, if someone is resistant to insulin, the body can, to some degree, increase production of insulin and overcome the level of resistance. After time, if production decreases and insulin cannot be released as vigorously, hyperglycemia develops.
What is glucose?
Glucose is a simple sugar found in food. Glucose is an essential nutrient that provides energy for the proper functioning of the body cells. Carbohydrates are broken down in the small intestine and the glucose in digested food is then absorbed by the intestinal cells into the bloodstream, and is carried by the bloodstream to all the cells in the body where it is utilized. However, glucose cannot enter the cells alone and needs insulin to aid in its transport into the cells. Without insulin, the cells become starved of glucose energy despite the presence of abundant glucose in the bloodstream. In certain types of diabetes, the cells' inability to utilize glucose gives rise to the ironic situation of "starvation in the midst of plenty". The abundant, unutilized glucose is wastefully excreted in the urine.
What is insulin?
Insulin is a hormone that is produced by specialized cells (beta cells) of the pancreas. (The pancreas is a deep-seated organ in the abdomen located behind the stomach.) In addition to helping glucose enter the cells, insulin is also important in tightly regulating the level of glucose in the blood. After a meal, the blood glucose level rises. In response to the increased glucose level, the pancreas normally releases more insulin into the bloodstream to help glucose enter the cells and lower blood glucose levels after a meal. When the blood glucose levels are lowered, the insulin release from the pancreas is turned down. It is important to note that even in the fasting state there is a low steady release of insulin than fluctuates a bit and helps to maintain a steady blood sugar level during fasting. In normal individuals, such a regulatory system helps to keep blood glucose levels in a tightly controlled range. As outlined above, in patients with diabetes, the insulin is either absent, relatively insufficient for the body's needs, or not used properly by the body. All of these factors cause elevated levels of blood glucose (hyperglycemia).
Illustration of Pancreas

What are the risk factors for diabetes?

Risk factors for type 1 diabetes are not as well understood as those for type 2 diabetes. Family history is a known risk factor for type 1 diabetes. Other risk factors can include having certain infections or diseases of the pancreas.
Risk factors for type 2 diabetes and prediabetes are many. The following can raise your risk of developing type 2 diabetes:
  • Being obese or overweight
  • High blood pressure
  • Elevated levels of triglycerides and low levels of "good" cholesterol (HDL)
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Family history
  • Increasing age
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Impaired glucose tolerance
  • Insulin resistance
  • Gestational diabetes during a pregnancy
  • Ethnic background: Hispanic/Latino Americans, African-Americans, Native Americans, Asian-Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Alaska natives are at greater risk.

Thursday 28 December 2017



  • vegetables and legumes/beans.
  • fruit.
  • lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds, legumes/beans.
  • grain (cereal) foods, mostly wholegrain and/or high cereal fibre varieties.
  • milk, yoghurt, cheese and/or alternatives, mostly reduced fat.


  • eating processed or fast food high in fat
  • not eating fruit, vegetables and unrefined carbohydrates, such as wholemeal bread and brown rice
  • drinking too much alcohol – alcohol contains a lot of calories, and heavy drinkers are often overweight
  • eating out a lot – you may have a starter or dessert in a restaurant, and the food can be higher in fat and sugar
  • eating larger portions than you need - you may be encouraged to eat too much if your friends or relatives are also eating large portions
  • comfort eating – if you feel depressed or have low self-esteem you may comfort eat to make yourself feel better.

Wednesday 25 October 2017

7 Benefits of Bilberry

1. Enhanced Vision

Due to anthocyanocides, blueberries are commonly used to improve night vision or vision impairment in low light, to reduce vascular permeability and capillary brittleness. During the Second World War, British warplane pilots were reported to have increased their night vision after having eaten bilberry berry.

Bilberry was suggested as a treatment for retinopathy, retinal damage. Blueberries also have protective effect against macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts.

2. Helps to remove roaming problems.

In Europe, health professionals use fruit extract to treat circulatory problems, also known as chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). The research suggests that this condition, which occurs when the valves in the hearts of blood vessels carrying blood are damaged, can be developed by taking blueberry essence. Other research suggests that taking bilberry anthocyanin for over six months will improve the CVI relationship with swelling, pain, hunger and burning. (6)

3. Bad Cholesterol Recovery

The incredible anthocyanosides found in Bilberries can strengthen blood vessels and prevent the oxidation of LDL ("bad") cholesterol, an important risk factor for atherosclerosis, a plaque that blocks blood vessels leading to heart attacks and paralysis.

In one study, it was reported that blueberry enrichment reduced total and LDL cholesterol levels when compared to black currant. In fact, the total anthocyanin content was four times higher in bilberries than black celery and probably a better choice to lower LDL cholesterol levels. (7)

4. Can Improve Blood Sugar in Diabetes

Traditionally, blueberry leaves have been used to control blood sugar levels in diabetics. Studies have shown that strawberries help reduce the body's glucose response after eating a high-sugar meal, and studies show that it can be effective in managing blood sugar levels, particularly when combined with oatmeal, although more research is needed. (8)

5. Cancer Prevention Aid

In vitro studies and animal tumorigenic models have shown that bilberry anthocyanins have anti-cancer properties and suppressive activity due to antioxidants; Fruits also have anti-inflammatory effects. It has been shown that an extract rich in anthocyanins obtained from Bilberry inhibits the growth of colon cancer cells. In a DNA study, an anti-inflammatory profile was seen in macrophages treated with a blueberry extract, and blueberry may be very useful in preventing it, as inflammation is an important risk factor for cancer. (9)

6. Effective in diarrhea treatment

Bilberry has been used in European medicine for diarrheal treatment for many years. Fruit contains tannins, anti-inflammatory substances, and substances that act as a tightening agent that helps compress and compress the tissues. By reducing bowel inflammation, it is believed that bilberry helps reduce diarrhea symptoms.

7. Reducing the Risk of Alzheimer's Disease

Evidence suggests that fruit and vegetable waters containing various phenolic compounds may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. In some cases, Alzheimer's symptoms have been shown to be significantly reduced and alleviated behavioral abnormalities when myrrhin in bilberry is treated with quercetin or anthocyanin-rich extracts.

22 Health Ginger Root

1. Fights Cancer

Today, most people are affected by cancer in one way or another. Chances are you know someone who is battling cancer or you may be fighting it yourself. If that’s the case, add ginger into your daily diet. Several studies have found it beneficial in fighting lung, prostate, ovarian, colon, breast, skin, and pancreatic cancers.
According to researchers, ginger’s anti-cancer properties are a result of the compound 6-gingerol, which is found in large amounts in raw ginger. 6-gingerol has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor activities.
Adding ginger to your diet can help prevent new cancer cells from forming and destroy active ones. It’s also beneficial for people who are already on cancer treatments since ginger has been known to prevent the toxic effects of cancer drugs. In a study with 744 cancer patients, ginger supplementation significantly reduced chemotherapy-induced nausea.

2. Protects Against Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects the central nervous system. It accounts for nearly 60–70 percent of dementia cases in people over 65 years old worldwide. If Alzheimer’s runs in your family or you are worried you may one day suffer from the disease, you should think about incorporating more ginger into your current diet and daily routine.
Research shows ginger can help slow down the loss of brain cells, which typically leads to Alzheimer’s Disease. Additionally, some studies done on animals suggest the antioxidants and other powerful compounds found in ginger can fight inflammatory responses that occur in the brain. Other animal studies show that consuming ginger can protect against age-related decline in brain function.
These findings weren’t only reached in animal studies, though. In one study, researchersgave 60 middle-aged women ginger extract or a placebo. Researchers then evaluated the women’s memory and brain function. They found women who consumed ginger displayed “enhanced working memory.”

3. Helps with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

IBS is a common disorder that affects nearly 25-45 million Americans. Some symptoms include cramps, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and mucus in the stool. People who suffer from painful IBS will be happy to hear ginger can offer some relief. That’s because ginger can help relax the intestines during a flair up.
There are several ways you can consume ginger – add ginger root in your cooked dishes, take ginger supplements, or brew ginger tea. The good news is they all seem to have a calming effect on the digestive system.

4. Relieves Gas

Gas can be embarrassing at the wrong times. While there are a wide variety of anti-gas products on the market, it’s always best to try the natural route first. Ginger tea is easy enough to make and has been proven effective at relieving gas. Drink a cup of ginger tea before you go to sleep to let it work its magic overnight while you’re sleeping. It should act to clear out your digestive system and neutralize the problem from inside.
You can make your own ginger tea by adding one two-inch slice of fresh ginger root to two cups of water. On your stove, bring the ginger water to a boil and then let steep for about half an hour.

5. Relieves Heartburn

Heartburn is the main symptom of acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a common condition that affects nearly 50 percent of Americans. Today, approximately 20 million Americans are taking an acid inhibiting drug to treat painful heartburn. There’s a problem with that statistic, though. Studies show certain heartburn drugs do more harm than good. Instead of turning to drugs, drink ginger tea.
According to doctors, ginger has been found to have a gastroprotective effect, meaning it prevents the loosening of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and blocks acid from regurgitating back into the esophagus. It also kills off harmful bacteria, such as helicobacter pylori. This type of bacteria is linked to acid reflux.
For best results, it’s recommended you drink one cup of ginger tea 20 minutes before a meal.

6. Aids Weight Loss

Losing weight is one of the best things you can do for your overall health. Did you know being overweight can lead to heart attack, stroke, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some cancers? To help aid your weight loss efforts, incorporate ginger into your diet.
Ginger is a natural ingredient that’s found in many “fat-burning” supplements. It can speed up the metabolism, leading to calorie-burning. It can also help keep you feeling full for longer, reducing your overall calorie intake.

7. Suppresses Appetite

Ginger may help keep you feeling full, suppressing your appetite and ultimately reducing your daily calorie intake. A 2012 study published in the journal Metabolism found people who drank a hot ginger beverage containing 2 grams of ginger powder after meals reduced feelings of hunger for up to six hours.

8. Helps Manage Blood Sugar Levels

Research out of Australia suggests that ginger can help keep blood glucose levels in check. This is important because these levels have a direct impact on weight loss and weight gain, as well as how energetic or lethargic you feel throughout the day. If you’ve noticed that you’re feeling a mid-day crash it’s likely due to your blood sugar levels. Adding ginger to your lunch might help you stay focused and on task. Think of ginger as an all-natural alternative to products like 5 Hour “Energy.”

9. Relieves Tired Muscles

When you workout, your muscles naturally get tired. One way to help speed up muscle recovery is to munch on ginger root. Studies have shown people who eat ginger experience a significant reduction in muscle pain, allowing people to get back to the gym in a shorter amount of time. More workouts lead to increased lean muscle mass, which generally equates to natural weight loss as you burn calories around the clock.
P.S. Take a look at the 5 veggies that boost female metabolism and burn off lower belly fat.

25 things you do not know about your body and health

1. Lift your nose with salt water can help to maintain health and allergic symptoms can be achieved.

2. dogs can cancer and gerelle bloedzucker. A study shows that it is possible to train the dog, based on akteproblemen, where patients have breast cancer and long. For dogs diabetes can smell ketones in urine and on such breath as high blodzuckers. The dog can lift another conclusion that people can not-like glucose levels fall.

3. Researchers find that people who are far from approaching the level of kitchens, weigh 15 percent more than those who use foarh door.

4. It is probably a heart attack on a Monday, or even three days after your diagnosis with symptoms or a respiratory tract infection.

5. It is not possible for your computer to download. Computer Tan has created a neutral position on cancer.

6. Fat people earn $ 485 more on clothes, $ 828 in extra place, and $ 36 more on gas each year than they dûnserwittenskippen. We overgewichtdieler zoom up to 18 additional gas gases a year.

7. There are often four times more likely to report ûnfermjen after a night of sunshine than nimmenmokers. Frequent cases of ûnderfiningsymptomen signature, so they tiidrekten the conflict and cause the alarm.

8. The diet of fruits and vegetables can help yourself more than its own aspirin. Benzoïse-Suke, a natural substance in fruits and vegetables, changing the skin around your body salizylsoer creates the toetsbestimming of aspirin's anti-inflammatory and pain-ferliesende properties given.

9. A 20-minute zoom in your eyelid can increase your mood and increase increase efficiency. In addition, you can take advantage of the napping acquisition - a six-year study found that men who were at least three times a week wart had a 37 percent lower risk of death hertbedimende.

10. Your kitchen is smertierer if you bathroom. There are typically more than 500,000 bacteria per square in flow, and hoofs, soil and spine are also cracked with mikriven.

11. Four in five boxes in England did not work. Weight workloads, lack of time and poor influences influenced by the absence of eksset.

12. Staked soda can be cooked eggs, pepper can handle the rules of athletes of wealth, and honey may have a cold.

13. The use of daily food can-o-weight-loss activities dûbelje. It's time-consuming to get it from ferantwurdlikjen and gives you hints on where the kalorgen additions are

14. Regular exercise of a lower mortality rate - but only when it is absorbed. The National Institute of Krekse has followed nearly 10,000 women for almost 10 years. Women in the upper half of the body's activities include up to 20 percent decreases in sewer, spend less than seven hours per night providing a Ferminderjende advantage.

15. If you walk into a mirror can make a treadmielwurk by faster and feel easier.

16. The third toilet - the hair of your hair and clothing and persistently in the room when they are away - have a chocolate for children and pets.

17. Look at the air, in the water, or by the gentleness of a rucksack providing some 50 other calorine hours as walking with no resistance. People who are suffering from pedometers will also tend to lose more drainage and more losses.

18. Skonose-soloologen may require the story of the women on the way in which he went. In news, men find women in red sekerier as those 'coolen' skin haters like blue and green.

19. Foreign aksintsyndroam and eksploiteartskopsyndroom are real (but very rare) medical conditions. A person with eksploitaasjeksyndroam experience something, ûnferskrillige what seems to root from his head emerged.

20. Vitamin does not seem to help older women against cancer or heart disease.

21. Some men have pain, discomfort, or sneeze as a result of ejaculation. The increased functioning in nervosysteem well-being can be skulpe.

22. germ-deadende dii bacteria can disintegrate one place to another if you use them.

23. oatmeal, sintrumfruchten, and honey can seksdoerd increase and increase fertility. Oats produce a gemyk of the product in the bloedsoarch loss, vitamin C, improved skeletal and motility, and vitamin B beekeeping, which is important factor in blood pressure and call.

24. Nine nine percent of Americans say they have a vehicle replaced by the cost, then 23 percent percent of spending as a means to save money.

25. Facebook can be good for your health; Studied shows that contacts with family and friends can eliminate loss loss and can help get longer.

Monday 16 October 2017

Papaya nuts: Social benefits, use, and hazards

Papayas grow in winter temperatures and are also known as cyclists or paths. Its taste, strong colors, and the various health benefits they offer, they make a fruit-fruit.
The papaya, the existing fruit and the fruits you have made are many times a year.

Health benefits allow you to use frustrated risks to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, helps reduce fertilization, improve glucose control blood of people who have given blood pressure, diabetes, and improvement of healing.

Papaya are a fruit that is soft and can be used in many ways to find food. Here we see more about health, nutrition, how to eat more of them in your diet and what you pay.

Content of this article:

The benefits
The dangers
The real room on the highlands:
Papaya is a native of Mexico. But it is also natural in the Caribbean and Florida.
According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Law (FAO) India makes great note - more than 5 million in 2013.
It can be added to salads, smoothies, and other kidneys.
Social benefits to breastfeeding
There is a lot of health care to find fruits and vegetables, and the apaya does not change. The benefits, however, are important for the papaya, and some are great:

The easy year related to the year

Alternatively, the antioxidant found in papaya, to clear the highest light. You want to have a protective effect on the eye and you can close the macro focus.

However, the highest rise of all fruits is to minimize the risk and enhancement of macular degeneration.

Asthma prevention

The asthma increases in people who are the limit of other kidneys. One of these elements is beta-carotene, incorporated in foods such as papaya, apricots, broccoli, melon, squash and carrots.


Using the antioxidant beta-carotene, found in the papers, can reduce cancer risk. Under the boy, the restaurant is rich in beta-carotene may play a role in the safety of cancer, according to a survey of the print in the journal Disease Prevention and Prevention.

Health care

The worst vitamin K applications are in line with the whole case of nodes. Answer combining vitamin K is necessary for good health, as you drink fluids calcium and can reduce the decrease in urinary calcium, which means there is more calcium in the body to the dark and recreated bones.


The research indicates that people in the diversified field-1, eating diet high in the high-level glucose small, and people in the field-check 2 that can lead to blood disorder, lipid, and insulin levels . Each feed feeds about 3 grams, which is equivalent to the 17 grams of carbohydrates.

Level digitization

Papaya are among the Enzymu called acne, which helps resilient materials; In fact, it can be used as meat-feeders. Papaya also finds strength and water content, both helping to get comforts and the good growth and diet.

Heart disease

The sit, potassium, and vitamins are all useful to prevent the disease. The solution of sodium intensification is the most important change that can make people reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Choline is an important factor in papaya that helps our bodies in the lungs, muscles, muscles and memories. Choline also helps maintain the maintenance of cellular membranes, which helps in moving the throat, helps in imunra fatty acne, chronic lysels.

Clean and healing

If you make use of it above, it seems to be an awareness of the paper to increase the healing stock and prevent the effects of firearms. Researchers believe that proteolytic chromopapath and papain enzyme are responsible for potential effects. The salts that contain the Paphos greenhouse are also used for decubitus decay (beds).

Hair here

Papaya is beautiful for her because Vitamin A contains the usefulness of sebum production, which makes her hair dry. Vitamins It is also necessary for the growth of all body organs, including skin and skin. Vitamin C proper foods, where fishermen can offer, needed for the soil and collagen treatment, which provides a basic base for the skin.

Tuesday 10 October 2017


About the Sores cold
The cold winters are small and painful pain that can appear on the mouth, face or nausea. It is sometimes called a gun that is performed by simplex virus viruses (HSV-1). Children can get cold win by emperors or report abuse to a person with a disease.

The cold in the mouth are common, and many children with HSV-1 disease in school years. The enemies lose them a week.

Many children with cold injuries are affected by eating or drinking the same material as they are having a disease or being adult through adult disease.

The laws are first mentioned on the lips and the mouth. The muscles will then become enemies. In some cases, the gum is red and blistered. In other insects caused diarrhea, musical problems, problems, all unrighteousness, recklessness and drinks. Symptoms may take up to two weeks.

After the child has a first infection, the virus can sleep without symptoms. But it can be corrected later, often after some problems such as other infections, hollow, sun, cold weather, minutes or even before a great test at school. If it occurs, it can cause it and the stomach to the mouth before it appears.

In most cases, HSV-1, causing the cold in the mouth or eyes, and the treatment of the herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2), attracts: in areas of the seriousness of the child. But sometimes, HSV-1 can lead to it: inside, especially if you communicate female partner in patients.

The HSV-1 cold swings are usually in the week. Although medicines can not let the infection go away, treatments that may cause a shortage of breakthrough and will not cause pain in the cold.

Diet and drinks can help with help, and acetaminophen may also be painful pain. Aspirin should not be given to children with infectious infections since it is united with Reye's syndrome.

Be physician if your child is:

In another health situation that has reduced diabetes system, HSV infection may cause it to spread and change issues in other parts
Transitions do not have a healthy silver from seven to ten days
have a look in the eye
Always cold
Since the virus that causes cold Sores treatment, it is important to cope with other family members. Safety must be taken with children with cold ligaments:

Keeping the drinks and drinking appliances as well as clothes and towels, otherwise the other family members use and wash it quickly after use
They do not learn to grow until the palliative heal
While their hands are often used and as soon as possible to just wash the cold washed away
They try to keep their eyes - if HSV is looking, it can be very important
If you are worried about cold children, you should also make sure you regularly wash your hands if you do not treat the surge or pay for the other.

Air pollution & Asthma

How many chances is ashma?
Competitors in the air have the same effect on children with asthma or other factors. It breathes respiratory oxygen, encourages them to give and prepare, and cause problems.

The candidates can also make children more convinient to escape airways (as cold), which can cause asthma symptoms. As atmospheric asthma, the medicines can even make the lungs more fun.

Which electrical is it possible?
You probably heard about layer layer and how it protects us from the sun. But there are different ozone directives called ground ozone level.

Relaxation may be harmful to the lungs. It forms as chemicals of car, power, and lighting companies with bright light. That "ozone pollution" is the first part of smog - the skin colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored are the head of the city. It is too high or in full length in the country. Almost 3.6 million children live in asthma in most of the high levels of ozone.

Difficult power can also cause problems problems. It creates when the point of the fabric, dust, smoke, roasting, and other things in the air. Less the particles, deeper than they can induce the lungs and cause acne problems.

How can I help my children?
Check Water Tick
If you live in an environment with high energy efficiency, pay attention at waste levels. You can get accessible information from warfare battles (online or in news) or through Environmental Protection on

EPA e-mail (AQI) makes levels of:

Ground floor
safe particle
carbon monoxide
sulfur sulphate
nitrogenous substances
The AQI varies from time to time, from day to day. In cities with more than 350,000 people, states and local organizations are required to report each day to anyone. But most of the smaller areas are still AQI.

Other tips
In those days as air quality is poor, air force and loses your children abroad. Set the open air starts in the early days - when air quality is usually good - and avoid spending time in the area with lots of traffic.

When your kids are in sport you are outdoors in warm weather, talking about coaches on other programs, such as working in the wind. Make sure your kids have a fast medication.

Enhanced domestic improvement in your home is wise. You can do this with the help of windmills, wrapping the material gas to the public, and preventing illuminating in your home.

Tell your doctor about medical advice in times when the air strikes. This can be found in your part as your child's asthma program.

You can not guarantee the aerial batteries, but you can take these steps to help them fit as air quality is poor:

Ride not - split a length, car, cycle, or walk.
Stay no gas in your car until the ninth day.
Avoid using external carrier, gearbox, or car made cars.
Make your grease or use electrical appliances by the end of the day or until the quality of the wind will rise.
Use the stories, statutes, or grasses that carry the car.
If the barbecue is, use the electrical light instead of the electric lighting.

Saturday 7 October 2017

The 10 Best Foods to Eat If You Have Arthritis

If you have arthritis, you know just how devastating this condition can be.
Arthritis is a term for a class of diseases that cause pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints. It can affect people of all ages, genders and ethnic backgrounds.
There are many different types of arthritis. Osteoarthritis is one type, which develops in joints with overuse. Another type is rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease in which your immune system attacks your joints (12).
Berries in a Bowl on a Wooden Table
Fortunately, there are many foods that can ease inflammation and may help relieve some of the joint pain associated with arthritis.
In fact, one survey found that 24% of those with rheumatoid arthritis reported that their diet had an impact on the severity of their symptoms (3).
This article will look at 10 of the best foods to eat if you have arthritis.

1. Fatty Fish

Fatty fish varieties such as salmon, mackerel, sardines and trout are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory effects.
In one small study, 33 participants were fed either fatty fish, lean fish or lean meat four times each week. After eight weeks, the fatty fish group had decreased levels of specific compounds related to inflammation (4).
An analysis of 17 studies found that taking omega-3 fatty acid supplements decreased joint pain intensity, morning stiffness, the number of painful joints and use of pain relievers in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (5).
Similarly, a test-tube study showed that omega-3 fatty acids reduced several inflammatory markers that are involved in osteoarthritis (6).
Fish is also a good source of vitamin D, which can help prevent deficiency. Multiple studies have found that rheumatoid arthritis may be associated with low levels of vitamin D, which could contribute to symptoms (78).
The American Heart Association recommends including at least two servings of fatty fish in your diet each week to take advantage of the beneficial anti-inflammatory properties (9).

How Much Green Tea Should You Drink Per Day?

Green tea is a popular beverage consumed worldwide.
In recent years, it has also gained popularity as a health drink.
Green tea is derived from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant and comes in several varieties.
It can be enjoyed hot, cold or even in powdered form, and it’s recognized for its high antioxidant content and health benefits.
But how much green tea should you drink to achieve these benefits? And could drinking too much be dangerous?
This article dives into the research to find out how much green tea you should drink.

Green Tea Is Linked to Many Health Benefits

Green Tea and Leaves
Green tea is loaded with nutrients and plant compounds that can have positive health effects.
This includes potent antioxidants called catechins, which may help protect against cancer.
In fact, multiple studies show that people who drink green tea are significantly less likely to get many types of cancer, compared to those who don’t drink it (12).
The cancers that green tea may help protect against include prostate and breast cancer, which are the two most common cancers in men and women, respectively (34).
What's more, several studies indicate that green tea may lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease (5678).
And drinking green tea may even help you lose weight.
The caffeine and catechins it contains have been shown to boost your metabolism and increase fat burning (910).
Overall, studies indicate that consuming green tea can help you burn an additional 75–100 calories per day (11).
Although this may seem like a small amount, it can contribute to significant weight loss over the long term.
