live a happy life

Many of us rely on a morning cup of coffee or a jolt of caffeine in the afternoon to help us get through the day.

Wednesday 30 August 2017

How we can be six Pack a month

Straight to point with you, to get your packs trending follow these four easy steps :

1☆ The 30 knee crunches:
You practice this by holding your hands to you head as shown in the picture 1 above.
With your legs on the 90 degree position and your back to the  floor .

2☆.20 LEG get-away.

This is done in the same position, and your hand should stand in front of you on the floor when you move your foot to the battle (20) times..

As shown above, place each leg where you sit for 30 minutes.

However, you are in a hurry to have a solution that would allow you to escape from the other side and put yourself to rest.

10 Tips to Prevent Lung Cancer

Drug abuse is more than smoking. More than half of the people currently developing lung cancer do not smoke. What are the ten things that you can do today to reduce the risk?

1 Dont Smoke (And if you want, get a check)

Drinking is the main cause of cancerous lung, responsible for 80 to 90 percent of lung lung.

It's too late to smoke. For those diagnosed with lung cancer, cigarettes can improve survival.

What many people do not know is that blood vessels in the blood vessels (such as emphysema and chronic diseases) are at risk of liver impairment. In other words, given COP, it is clear that you do not have unprotected or inappropriate shapes, as well as a specific symbol. Noting that HOPS is now the leading cause of death in the United States, this is a major problem.

Unfortunately, the risk of medical cancer does not return to normal after stopping people, and the heart's liver most smokes more than smoker's. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, remember that the tests for pulse tricks are now designed for people who took this form when they found out.

Everything about food and leukemia

 2 Check Your Home for Radon

For non-smokers, your homework for radon is a key step in preventing the lung disease. Radon is the cause of lung cancer for non-allergic patients and the second reason why it is a general flu disease.

Radon is anhydrous gas that occurs due to the decay of uranium at the bottom of our soil. Increasing radon levels are at home in every 50 countries and around the world. One way you can know if you are in danger is to have a radon test in your home.

There are some treatments about granite areas that cause lung cancer. Although some granite areas may cause radonous levels of radon, you are less concerned about the effects of radon radiation on the soil at the bottom of your house.

Be Careful and Aware at Work

It is estimated that three types of liver males are associated with the causes of deformity. This figure is lower, and about five percent of women with hepatic impairment are functional

Many of them work with cigarettes to increase your risk. Employers have an obligation to provide protective measures. Applications for chemicals may appear at work. Make sure you check it out.

Be Careful and Aware at Home

Prevent prevention of liver is also important at home. Chemical-chemically implanted chemicals can be found not only at work but may be underlined or at your place of investment. Read the labels for home products and follow the instructions for safe use. Wood burning from diagnostics and firearms can also increase human risk risk.

Positive hazards and risk of lung cancer

Avoid Secondhand Smoke

The second smoke has been evidence for about three thousand years of diabetes disease every year in the United States alone. Living with the holder helps improve the chances of diagnosed with lung disease by 20 to 30 percent. Thankfully, legislation on smoking in recent years has helped to stay without the greenhouse and can play a major role in the disease of the disease.

Secondhand Smoke and Lung Cancer


Even the best exercise can help prevent pneumonia. The recommendations suggest that even a simple case, such as Campus twice a week, is associated with the lowest risk of liver disease diagnosis.


A diet that contains vegetables is associated with the risk of developing the smallest liver disease. Recent studies have shown that varieties may be more important than quantity. Prevents lung antibiotic prevention by testing a new diet product section. Try to choose colored colors, including black lizards like knifes and broccoli, onion whites, apples and tomatoes, orange juice and winter squash.

On the conversion note, the phosphates found in the diet and the indicated cheeses are related to the risk of cancer.

Enjoy a Cup of Green Tea

Green tea has been shown to protect the deformity of some smoking decay, and people using green leaflets seem to have at least one hazardous risk. However, he said that green tea is not "out of prison", and smoking is an important thing to do to reduce your risk. Know more about using tea tea to reduce the risk of cancer and how you can play a role in treating one disease at a time at one time.

Limit Your Intake of Alcohol

Another important step in preventing lung antibiotics may be a restriction on the collection of various alcoholic beverages. For men, alcohol and alcohol are linked to the potential risk of cancer. Meanwhile, the use of wine in men is associated with the small risk of the disease.

Alcohol and lemon juice
Alcohol and cancer

Be Wary of Supplements

Advertisements will allow us to imagine that dietary supplements are beneficial for the prevention of pulmonary diseases, while the study has actually proven some additions with the harmful effects of the liver. Additional concerns of beta-carotene, retinol, lutein and vitamin E are also of concern. If you intend to use additional information, consult your physician or ask them to help you evaluate the risks and benefits of the same in the same situation. .
