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Monday 16 October 2017

Papaya nuts: Social benefits, use, and hazards

Papayas grow in winter temperatures and are also known as cyclists or paths. Its taste, strong colors, and the various health benefits they offer, they make a fruit-fruit.
The papaya, the existing fruit and the fruits you have made are many times a year.

Health benefits allow you to use frustrated risks to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, helps reduce fertilization, improve glucose control blood of people who have given blood pressure, diabetes, and improvement of healing.

Papaya are a fruit that is soft and can be used in many ways to find food. Here we see more about health, nutrition, how to eat more of them in your diet and what you pay.

Content of this article:

The benefits
The dangers
The real room on the highlands:
Papaya is a native of Mexico. But it is also natural in the Caribbean and Florida.
According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Law (FAO) India makes great note - more than 5 million in 2013.
It can be added to salads, smoothies, and other kidneys.
Social benefits to breastfeeding
There is a lot of health care to find fruits and vegetables, and the apaya does not change. The benefits, however, are important for the papaya, and some are great:

The easy year related to the year

Alternatively, the antioxidant found in papaya, to clear the highest light. You want to have a protective effect on the eye and you can close the macro focus.

However, the highest rise of all fruits is to minimize the risk and enhancement of macular degeneration.

Asthma prevention

The asthma increases in people who are the limit of other kidneys. One of these elements is beta-carotene, incorporated in foods such as papaya, apricots, broccoli, melon, squash and carrots.


Using the antioxidant beta-carotene, found in the papers, can reduce cancer risk. Under the boy, the restaurant is rich in beta-carotene may play a role in the safety of cancer, according to a survey of the print in the journal Disease Prevention and Prevention.

Health care

The worst vitamin K applications are in line with the whole case of nodes. Answer combining vitamin K is necessary for good health, as you drink fluids calcium and can reduce the decrease in urinary calcium, which means there is more calcium in the body to the dark and recreated bones.


The research indicates that people in the diversified field-1, eating diet high in the high-level glucose small, and people in the field-check 2 that can lead to blood disorder, lipid, and insulin levels . Each feed feeds about 3 grams, which is equivalent to the 17 grams of carbohydrates.

Level digitization

Papaya are among the Enzymu called acne, which helps resilient materials; In fact, it can be used as meat-feeders. Papaya also finds strength and water content, both helping to get comforts and the good growth and diet.

Heart disease

The sit, potassium, and vitamins are all useful to prevent the disease. The solution of sodium intensification is the most important change that can make people reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Choline is an important factor in papaya that helps our bodies in the lungs, muscles, muscles and memories. Choline also helps maintain the maintenance of cellular membranes, which helps in moving the throat, helps in imunra fatty acne, chronic lysels.

Clean and healing

If you make use of it above, it seems to be an awareness of the paper to increase the healing stock and prevent the effects of firearms. Researchers believe that proteolytic chromopapath and papain enzyme are responsible for potential effects. The salts that contain the Paphos greenhouse are also used for decubitus decay (beds).

Hair here

Papaya is beautiful for her because Vitamin A contains the usefulness of sebum production, which makes her hair dry. Vitamins It is also necessary for the growth of all body organs, including skin and skin. Vitamin C proper foods, where fishermen can offer, needed for the soil and collagen treatment, which provides a basic base for the skin.
