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Thursday 1 February 2018

Benefits Of Okra

The health benefits of okra include its ability to improve digestive health and vision, boost skin health, protect infant health, prevent certain cancers, and strengthen bones. It also improves cardiovascular health, balances cholesterol levelsaids the immune system, lowers blood pressure, and protects heart health.

What Is Okra?

Okra is a flowering plant that is known in many parts of the world as ladies’ fingers or bhindi and is most highly prized because of its seed pods. The scientific name of this interesting plant is Abelmoschus esculentus and its origin is still unclear. Contrasting research says that it could have been South Asian, West African, or Ethiopian in origin, but the jury is still out.

Uses Of Okra

Okra is frequently used in dishes from the Caribbean to China, and its popularity is increasing all the time, particularly because of its various uses. This vegetable pod can be used as a pickled vegetable, or an ingredient in soups, and side dishes, and is also utilized for its oil, which can be extracted and used as a vegetable oil.Okra

Okra Nutrition Facts

Okra may not be the most conventional vegetable in the garden, but it has a rich content of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, as well as calciumironmagnesiumpotassium, and zinc. Furthermore, okra contains high levels of mucilaginous fiber. Most of the health benefits of okra are due to the minerals, vitamins, and organic compounds found in it.

Health Benefits Of Okra

Let us discuss the various health benefits of okra in detail below.

Improves Digestion

Perhaps, the best part of adding okra to your diet is the significant increase it can have on your total fiber intake. Mucilaginous fiber found in okra can help move food through your digestive tract by adding bulk. This means that bowel movements are more regular and there is a reduction in gastrointestinal issues such as bloating, cramping, constipation, and excess gas. Oddly, it also helps prevent diarrhea, because it adds bulk to watery stools. Further, its fiber content can help clear out excess cholesterol in the body and controls the rate at which sugaris absorbed into the body.

Improves Vision

Okra contains a very high content of vitamin A, as well as antioxidant components like beta carotenes, xanthein, and lutein. Antioxidants are powerful compounds that destroy or neutralize free radicals, which are the dangerous byproducts of cellular metabolism. Free radicals are responsible for cell degradation in the body, including those responsible for vision. With high levels of okra in your diet, you can protect your eyes against macular degeneration and cataracts.

Skin Care

Vitamin A antioxidants are also able to protect skin health, by promoting quicker healing, reducing the appearance of scars and acne, and eliminating wrinkles. This is because the antioxidants are able to neutralize the free radicals which may have damaged those skin cells.

Boosts Immunity

The various antioxidant components of okra make it very beneficial to fight off free radicals and the high vitamin Ccontent also means that the body’s immunity is boosted. This vitamin can stimulate the immune system to create white blood cells, which can combat foreign pathogens and materials in the body that can weaken the immune system.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Okra is a good source of both vitamins and minerals, including potassium, which is an essential aspect of human health. Potassium is necessary to maintain proper fluid balance in the body because it balances sodium. Furthermore, potassium helps relax the blood vessels and arteries, which reduces blood pressure and lessens the strain on the cardiovascular system. This means that the chances of clotting and atherosclerosis will be greatly reduced.
Word of Caution: One thing you do need to worry about while consuming okra is its high levels of oxalates. Oxalatesbind to existing kidney and gallstones and cause them to grow and may worsen the associated conditions. Frying okra can also increase your cholesterol intake for the day, so cooking it in other ways is wise if you want to maintain a good cholesterol balance.
Enjoy okra in your favorite dishes or find some new delectable dietary choices from around the world!

Benefits Of Bitter Melon Or Bitter Gourd

Bitter Melon, commonly known as bitter gourd or bitter squash, has a wealth of health benefits that can be derived by including it in your diet. The most well-known benefits of bitter melon are its ability to help manage diabetes, reduce the effects of hemorrhoids, improve respiratory health, and boost skin health. It can strengthen the immune system, and prevent and reduce symptoms of cancer too. Bitter melon has anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibiotic, anti-allergenic, antiviral, antiparasitic, and expectorant qualities. For all these reasons and many more, bitter melon is a staple among a number of cultural cuisines across the world.

What Is Bitter Melon?

Bitter melon is a member of the same family (Cucurbitaceae) as squashes, melons, and gourds, which is why it has three distinctive names, depending on where in the world you are eating this herbaceous vine. The fruit has a very warty, ridged exterior and is harvested before ripening, as it becomes increasingly bitter.
It is most commonly found in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean, and its origins have been traced back to the Indian subcontinent. It began to spread more than 600 years ago.
The name is well-deserved, and it is considered one of the most bitter fruitsavailable with certain culinary benefits. The benefits of the fruit are found in its flesh, which has the consistency of cucumber or green pepper before it ripens. If the fruit is allowed to ripen, a bright red pith emerges, which is also used in some cultures in their cuisines.

BittermelonHealth Benefits Of Bitter Melon

Consuming bitter melon is an assured way to add another nutritious food to your diet, and the number of health benefits it has is impressive. The well-studied benefits are listed below:

Diabetes Treatment

Bitter melon is one of the most potent fruits for managing diabetes mellitus for a few reasons. There are significant levels of charntin (peptides that resemble insulin), and alkaloids within the fleshy fruit of bitter melon. These components actively help in reducing the blood sugar levels. Bitter melon also helps to prevent unpredictable spikes and drops in insulin levels by regulating the metabolism and use of sugar the body has consumed. It is a powerful hypoglycemic agent so avoid its use if taking medicines that lower blood sugar!

Blood Purification

Bitter melon is known as an effective blood purifier. The antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of the gourd help in purification of the blood, thereby promoting skin care. Bitter gourd is also effective in treating various skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis.

Hemorrhoid Relief

A number of studies have shown that the anti-inflammatory qualities present in bitter melon make it a very good salve for the uncomfortable condition of piles, also known as hemorrhoids. A paste created from the root of the bitter melon plant can be applied topically to reduce the inflammation and relieve pain and bleeding. If you can handle the bitter taste, drink bitter melon juice to receive similar benefits!

Improved Immunity

Bitter melon is a source of many different antioxidants that make it a powerful defense against illnesses in the body. Antioxidants scavenge the body for free radicals and dangerous compounds released during cell metabolism that can cause different illnesses. By adding bitter melon to your diet, you can greatly improve your chances of defending against very diseases, including heart attack, kidney damage, and liver failure.

Cancer Prevention

The antioxidants present in bitter melon can help to seek out and destroy free radicals that can cause diseases (including numerous forms of cancer), but that is not the only benefit the fruit has in terms of cancer. Bitter melon has been widely studied as an anti-tumor and anti-carcinogenic agent all by itself, along with its antioxidant properties. Primarily, studies have shown positive correlations between eating bitter melon and the prevention or reduction of tumor growth for cervical, prostate, and breast cancer patients. Some of this is due to the fruit’s ability to induce apoptosis (cell death) in cancerous cells. However, more studies are being done to find out more about the powerful anti-cancer properties that this fruit seems to possess.

bittermeloninfoAsthma Relief

There have been a number of studies that showed bitter melon as a means of getting relief from respiratory conditions like asthmabronchitis, and hay fever (rhinitis). It’s anti-histamine, suppressant, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and antiviral properties make it an ideal booster for respiratory health. It is recommended to eat some bitter melon before going to bed, so the soothing effects can occur while you’re asleep!

Antifungal Agent

The antifungal and antibacterial qualities of bitter melon make it ideal for fighting off various fungal infections. These properties also help to get rid of any toxins in the bloodstream before they can cause any more damage.

Skin Care

Bitter melon, rich in anti-inflammatory properties, helps reduce the irritating itching linked with skin conditions and infections such as ringworm and psoriasis. The juice extracted from its leaves can be the best salve or cure for these conditions when topically applied to the affected areas.
Word of Caution: Avoid consuming bitter melon during pregnancy as it can stimulate excess menstrual bleeding. More research is done on consuming bitter melon while breastfeeding, so for now, it is best to avoi should be avoided pre and post-surgical procedures.d it. Also, as mentioned earlier, it acts very strongly to reduce blood sugar levels, so
Some people are sensitive to dehydrogenase deficiency, which bitter melons can cause. The symptoms of this are similar to anemia and include headaches, fevers, and stomach pains.
This is a very powerful fruit, and it is highly recommended that you speak with your doctor or physician before adding it to your diet.

10 Apricot Benefits

The health benefits of apricots include its ability to treat indigestion, constipation, earaches, feverskin diseases, cancers, and anemia. Apricots also help improve heart health, and treat strained muscles and wounds. It is also believed that apricot is good for skin care, which is why it makes an important addition to various cosmetics. Furthermore, apricots have the ability to reduce cholesterol levels, prevent the deterioration of vision, aid in weight loss, treat respiratory conditions, boost bone strength, and maintain electrolyte balance in the body.


Apricots, scientifically known as Prunus armeniaca, are small drupes that resemble and are closely related to peaches or plums. They have a soft, tangy flesh beneath a thin outer skin. In the middle of the apricot is a large pit, which is inedible, so be careful when taking that first big bite! They are typically yellow or orange, with a slight tinge of red on one side.
It is difficult to understand the exact order of apricot cultivation around the world since it was both found wild and grown in prehistoric times. The scientific name is derived from Armenia, which is where most scientists believe apricots originated. However, they were also present in ancient Greece and Rome, and many other experts claim that original cultivation happened in India more than 3,000 years ago. The disputed origins are not important, but the impact of apricots on human health certainly is!
Apricots can be consumed directly, or dried and then eaten as a variety of dried fruit. It is also used in the preparation of various juices, jams, squash, and jellies. Apricot oil can also be obtained from its kernel, and those powerful essential oils also have a lot of important impacts on health.
They can be enjoyed in a wide variety of ways, and every culture treats apricots differently! One of the reasons they have been so popular throughout history is that they can be directly linked to a number of health benefits, due to their unique organic compounds, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, which are listed below.

Nutritional Value Of Apricots

The impressive health benefits of apricots are due to the content of vitamins, including vitamins A, C, K, E, and niacinin significant amounts, as well as a number of other essential vitamins in trace amounts (less than 5% of daily requirement). Apricots also have a good mineral content, which includes potassiumcopper manganesemagnesium, and phosphorous. They are a very good source of dietary fiber, like most fruits.

Health Benefits Of Apricots

Apricots have an abundance of health benefits. Let us take a look at them below.

Relieve Constipation

Apricots are rich in fiber and are, therefore, good for smooth bowel movements. They are often recommended to patients who regularly suffer from constipation due to the laxative properties. Fiber is a way to bulk up the stool. In this way, it becomes easier to transport through the bowels to its eventual excretion from the body. Fiber stimulates the gastric and digestive juices that help absorb the nutrients and break down the food for easier processing. Furthermore, fiber also activates the peristaltic motion of the digestive tract, and those smooth muscle movements are what keep your bowel movements regulated.

Strengthen Bones

Apricots have significant or moderate amounts of all the minerals necessary for bone growth like calcium, phosphorous, manganese, iron, and copper. Therefore, eating apricots can ensure the healthy growth and development of your bones, as well as preventing various age-related conditions, including osteoporosis.

Improve Heart Health

Apricots are a wonderful way to protect your heart from a wide variety of diseases, including atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. A high amount of vitamin C, as well as potassium and dietary fiber, all contribute to good cardiovascular health. Vitamin C protects the heart from free radicals, potassium lowers blood pressure by relaxing the tension of blood vessels and arteries, while dietary fiber scrapes the excess cholesterol from the lining of the vessels and arteries, thereby clearing them and reducing the strain on the heart. Altogether, these properties of apricots make them ideal for boosting heart health.

Improve Metabolism

Fluid levels throughout the body are dependent mainly on two minerals, potassium, and sodium. The high amounts of potassium in apricots has been linked to maintaining fluid balance in the body, and ensuring that energy is properly distributed to the right organs and muscles. By maintaining a healthy balance of electrolytes, you can have more energy, reduce cramping, and keep blood and usable energy pumping through your body as you need it.

Treat Earaches

Apricot oil is good for earaches, although the exact mechanism is still being studied. Dripping a few drops into the affected ear canal should prove to be a fast remedy. According to scientists, the antioxidant materials present in apricot essential oil are responsible for relieving earaches.

Cure Fever

Apricot juice is often given to patients suffering from fever because it provides necessary vitamins, minerals, calories and water to the body, while also detoxifying various organs. Some people also use steamed apricot to relieve fevers. Its soothing, anti-inflammatory substance can also impact the body’s overall temperature level in sickness. Furthermore, it can reduce inflammation in other parts of the body, especially for people suffering from arthritis or gout.

Treat Skin Disorders

Apricot oil is good for skin care. It is quickly absorbed by the skin and does not keep it oily after application. Apricots are not just useful for maintaining the smooth and shiny appearance of the skin; it also aids in treating a number of skin diseases including eczema, itching, scabies, and a number of other irritating conditions. This is specifically due to the antioxidant compounds found in apricots. Not only does it have a healthy amount of vitamin A (60% of your daily requirement per serving), which has long been associated with healthier skin, but the antioxidants in apricots protect the skin from the effects of free radicals, which can lead to skin deterioration and signs of premature aging.

apricotinfoTreat Anemia

Owing to the presence of iron and copper, apricots help in the formation of hemoglobin when you consume them. This property helps in treating anemia. Anemia is basically iron deficiency, and it can lead to weakness, fatigue, lightheadedness, digestive issues, and general metabolic dysfunction. Without red blood cells, the body can’t reoxygenate itself properly, and organ systems begin to malfunction. Iron is a key part of red blood cell formation, as is copper. Both of these minerals are present in apricots, making it a great tool to boost metabolism and keep the body functioning properly.

Prevent Cancer

The seeds of apricot are believed to aid in the treatment of cancer. Between the carotenoids and the other antioxidant compounds that apricots have, it is no surprise that they are a threat to free radicals. Free radicals are the dangerous byproducts of cellular metabolism that can cause healthy cells to mutate their DNA into cancerous cells. Antioxidants neutralize these harmful compounds and ensure that the body doesn’t contract conditions like cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and aging skin. Apricots have been directly linked to reducing the risk of cancer.


It is also believed that apricot oil is anti-asthmatic in nature and helps in treating the disease and its related symptoms. It has certain expectorant and stimulant qualities due to its essential oils. One of these can help to relieve pressure and stress on the lungs and respiratory system, thereby preventing asthma attacks before they begin.
Words of Caution
There are no inherent dangers of eating apricots, except for normal allergies that some people might have. However, there is some concern about the nature of its dried form, which apricot is frequently made into. Sulphites have been found in most dried foods, and that is not a good thing. Sulphites can seriously impact asthma and induce asthmatic attacks. Therefore, as an asthma medicine, use fresh apricots, rather than dried versions. Other than that friendly caution, enjoy the tangy, sweet taste of apricots and see all the good it can do.

13 Benefits Of Apple

The health benefits of apples include prevention of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, and heart, stomach, and liver disorders, gallstonesconstipationanemia, and diabetes. They also lower your risk of suffering from rheumatism, eye disorders, a variety of cancers, and gout. Apples help in reducing weakness, providing relief from dysentery, and promoting digestion. Finally, they also aid in dental and skin care.

What Are Apples?

Apples are some of the most popular and delicious fruits on the planet. There is nothing like biting into a bright, red, juicy apple to quench your thirst and satisfy your sweet tooth while boosting your health in a major way. Apples are pomaceous fruits whose tree belongs to the Rosaceae family and has the scientific name Malus domesticaTheir ancestor is the Malus sieversii, which still grows wild in numerous parts of Central Asia. They have been cultivated for thousands of years throughout Asia and Europe, and they make appearances in the cultural history of many ancient civilizations, including the Greeks, Romans, and Nordic tribes. Apples gradually made their way to the Americans with the help of European colonizers and are now grown extensively in America.
There are more than 7,500 varieties of these delicious fruits and they come in a variety of colors namely red, yellow, and green. The skin of apples is thin but sturdy and the inner flesh is thick and juicy, and it softens as it ripens. The inner core holds the seeds, which are dangerous for your health. The nutrients are in the flesh and the skin, which are a rich source of anthocyanins and tannins. It’s indeed true when they say, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!”
In 2010, the complete genome of the apple was decoded, which has led to an increase in research and understanding of why apples are so beneficial for our health, and what specific components are responsible for the boost they provide! Let’s take a look at some of those essential components of one of the world’s favorite and healthiest fruits!

Nutritional Value Of Apples

The long list of health benefits attributed to apples is due to the vitaminsminerals, nutrients, and organic compounds found in them. These important nutritional elements include vitamin Cvitamin Kvitamin B6, and riboflavin. The list also includes minerals like potassiumcoppermanganese, and magnesium. Apples are very good sources of dietary fiber and a single serving provides 12% of the daily fiber requirement. They are packed with phytonutrients and flavonoids like quercetin, epicatechin, phloridzin, and other polyphenolic compounds.

Health Benefits Of Apples

Mentioned below are the best health benefits of apples that actually help you in keeping the doctor away;

Aid in Digestion

Apples, being rich in fiber, help in the digestive process. Regular consumption of apples ensures smooth bowel movements and the prevention of constipation and stomach disorders. Fiber is an important part of any diet. It adds bulk to the stool and helps food pass through the digestive tract smoothly. Furthermore, it stimulates peristaltic motion so the muscles contract appropriately and move food along. Finally, it stimulates the release of gastric and digestive juices to ensure efficient uptake of nutrients, while simultaneously scraping excess cholesterol out of your veins and arteries to ensure proper heart health and reduce the chances of atherosclerosis.

Apple4Prevent Cancer

The role of apples in cancer prevention has been a subject of study for some time. While they have shown moderate improvement in treating various types of cancer, particularly breast and colon cancer, the most significant discoveries have been regarding lung cancer. Apples show a distinct and undeniable capacity to reduce lung cancer and slow its spread if it does develop. Hypotheses usually speak about the high phytonutrient content, including kaempferol and quercetin, but the exact mechanism for apples’ impact on cancer is still to be known.

Improve Intestinal Health

One of the most essential and overlooked parts of our health is the beneficial bacteria living in our body. Apples specifically help to improve the functioning of the bacteria living in our large intestine. Early studies show that apples stimulate metabolism within the digestive tract and also balance the bacteria, which leads to an improved health by maximizing nutrient uptake and eliminating harmful bacteria and toxins.

Treat Anemia

Apples are useful in treating anemia since they are a rich source of iron. Anemia is a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood, which can be fixed by increasing your intake of iron. Iron is an integral part of the metabolism of red blood cells. By increasing the number of red blood cells in the body, you not only prevent anemia but also ensure a proper oxygenation of essential organ systems to keep them functioning properly.

Reduce Weakness

Apples are known to remove weakness, add vigor and vitality to weak people. Therefore patients are always given apples to help them recover quickly from their illnesses. If you want to gain weight, apples should be a part of your daily diet. They help in detoxifying the body and improving the overall health. Although apples don’t contain a significant amount of protein, the combination of the antioxidant compounds and the protein found in apples can have a major role in preventing weakness and improving muscle tone.

Control Diabetes

Blood sugar control is essential for people who suffer from diabetes and the polyphenols in apples have been directly linked to reducing the uptake of carbohydrates by the body. This, in turn, reduces the fluctuation of blood sugar levels that occur in the bloodstream, an important factor for keeping diabetes in check. The polyphenols also lower glucose absorption in our digestive tract and stimulate the release of insulin from our pancreas, which is also necessary to keep the blood sugar levels in check. Finally, the polyphenols stimulate the insulin receptors on cells throughout our body, which speeds up the removal of sugar from our bloodstream and gets it to our cells for metabolism and proper organ function.

Dental Care

Eating apples helps in cleaning both, the teeth and gums. Furthermore, it reduces the incidence of cavities in the teeth. When you eat apples, the fiber in them cleanses the teeth, while the antibacterial properties of these fruits keep bacteria and viruses from infecting the body. Apples also stimulate the secretion of saliva, which is an alkaline compound, meaning that it further reduces the ability of bacteria to multiply and grow in your mouth.

Prevent Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s Diseases

As if the other impressive benefits of apples weren’t enough, they also show a positive impact on neurological issues, particularly in two of the most tragic conditions, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. The antioxidant effects of all the phytonutrient compounds in apples certainly help to reduce Alzheimer’s diseases, since the degeneration of the brain that leads to Alzheimer’s has been linked to free radical activity. Apples also increase the amount of acetylcholine in the brain, which is linked to concentration, problem-solving, and memory. In terms of Parkinson’s, apples stop the gradual breakdown of dopamine-producing nerve cells, which can be an underlying cause of the disease.

Treat Respiratory Issues

Our respiratory system is highly susceptible to inflammation and a number of respiratory conditions are directly related to an inflammation of membranes and cells within the system. Asthma is perhaps the most serious condition, as it can be fatal in severe cases. Apples have shown tremendous anti-inflammatory behavior and in terms of asthma, they have stood out among other natural treatments, even superseding the benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables in combination. Apples remain a mystery to the world in terms of their complex mechanisms of healing these conditions, most likely because there are so many nutrients found in them that could potentially be responsible for the health perks!

Prevent Heart Diseases

Apples lower the level of cholesterol in the body, making it a strong defensive mechanism against cardiovascular diseases. The adage of ‘an apple a day keeping the doctor away’ is more accurate than you’d think since a daily dose of an apple is deemed healthy for the human heart. The antioxidant property of apples reduces the oxidation of fats, called lipid peroxidation, and neutralizes triglycerides and various fats found in blood vessels that can exert dangerous pressure. Also, apples contain a very powerful flavonoid called quercetin, which is found in the skin of the fruit. It can reduce inflammation in our blood vessels by reducing the amount of C-reactive protein (CRP). This protein has been linked to inflammation of the cardiovascular system, so a reduction of it through quercetin makes apples very strong heart boosters.

Treat Rheumatism

People suffering from rheumatism find apples very useful as they aid in the healing process. Along with this, there are a huge amount of flavonoids found in apples. This has been the most exciting development in apple research and compounds like kaempferol, quercetin, and myricetin have been linked to reducing rheumatoid and inflammatory conditions like arthritis and gout.

Improve Vision

Apples are believed to make the eyes stronger and improve eyesight. They also help in treating night blindness. Much of this is due to the fact that apples are rich in flavonoid compounds and antioxidant phytonutrients, which can reduce the impact of free radicals on the eyes while preventing conditions like macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma.

Weight Loss

Aside from the normal ability of fibrous fruits to make us feel full and increase satiety, thereby reducing appetite and overeating, apples have another unexplained ability to help in weight loss. Studies have shown that apples actually speed up metabolism so that the additional calories consumed after eating an apple don’t register in our body. Meaning, they are burned off quicker, or not absorbed by the body at all. This can be a great news for millions of people struggling with obesity.

Skin Care

Pastes made of apple and honey or apple and milk increase the shine and glow of the skin when topically applied. This is again due to the powerful antioxidants in the skin and flesh of apples. These compounds counteract the damaging effects of free radicals that are directly linked to premature aging, as well as wrinkles, age spots, and other age-related conditions. Its boosting effect on circulation also helps keep the skin looking young by keeping blood flow constant to stimulate the replacement of old cells and repair of the damaged ones.

Uses Of Apples

Apples can be eaten raw right off the tree or in a variety of dishes such as fruit salads and custards. Apple juice is also a common drink throughout the world and it is also included in many desserts. These fruits can be baked, minced, mashed, frozen, or even dried into chips as a healthy, sweet snack
Apart from the fruit, the oil extracted from its seeds is also useful and has many applications especially in the cosmetic industry. The benefits of apple seed oil come from its impressive mineral and protein content and include reducing the appearance of acne, reducing wrinkles, and moisturizing the skin. This oil also helps in preventing skin cancer, boosting skin elasticity, preventing sun damage, and stimulating the production of collagen to produce new, healthy skin cells. It should not be consumed orally but can be used for topical applications.

How To Buy And Store Apples?

When you buy apples, make sure they are firm. Don’t buy the ones that have wrinkles, since they have lost most of their health benefits and nutritional values. Apples that are overripe or are beginning to rot, metabolize their nutritional resources by releasing a compound called ethylene gas. This ethylene gas can stimulate the rapid ripening and rotting of other apples. So be sure to not keep them for too long, and if you do, remove any unusually soft or bruised apples from the bag.
