Wednesday 25 October 2017

25 things you do not know about your body and health

1. Lift your nose with salt water can help to maintain health and allergic symptoms can be achieved.

2. dogs can cancer and gerelle bloedzucker. A study shows that it is possible to train the dog, based on akteproblemen, where patients have breast cancer and long. For dogs diabetes can smell ketones in urine and on such breath as high blodzuckers. The dog can lift another conclusion that people can not-like glucose levels fall.

3. Researchers find that people who are far from approaching the level of kitchens, weigh 15 percent more than those who use foarh door.

4. It is probably a heart attack on a Monday, or even three days after your diagnosis with symptoms or a respiratory tract infection.

5. It is not possible for your computer to download. Computer Tan has created a neutral position on cancer.

6. Fat people earn $ 485 more on clothes, $ 828 in extra place, and $ 36 more on gas each year than they dûnserwittenskippen. We overgewichtdieler zoom up to 18 additional gas gases a year.

7. There are often four times more likely to report ûnfermjen after a night of sunshine than nimmenmokers. Frequent cases of ûnderfiningsymptomen signature, so they tiidrekten the conflict and cause the alarm.

8. The diet of fruits and vegetables can help yourself more than its own aspirin. Benzoïse-Suke, a natural substance in fruits and vegetables, changing the skin around your body salizylsoer creates the toetsbestimming of aspirin's anti-inflammatory and pain-ferliesende properties given.

9. A 20-minute zoom in your eyelid can increase your mood and increase increase efficiency. In addition, you can take advantage of the napping acquisition - a six-year study found that men who were at least three times a week wart had a 37 percent lower risk of death hertbedimende.

10. Your kitchen is smertierer if you bathroom. There are typically more than 500,000 bacteria per square in flow, and hoofs, soil and spine are also cracked with mikriven.

11. Four in five boxes in England did not work. Weight workloads, lack of time and poor influences influenced by the absence of eksset.

12. Staked soda can be cooked eggs, pepper can handle the rules of athletes of wealth, and honey may have a cold.

13. The use of daily food can-o-weight-loss activities dûbelje. It's time-consuming to get it from ferantwurdlikjen and gives you hints on where the kalorgen additions are

14. Regular exercise of a lower mortality rate - but only when it is absorbed. The National Institute of Krekse has followed nearly 10,000 women for almost 10 years. Women in the upper half of the body's activities include up to 20 percent decreases in sewer, spend less than seven hours per night providing a Ferminderjende advantage.

15. If you walk into a mirror can make a treadmielwurk by faster and feel easier.

16. The third toilet - the hair of your hair and clothing and persistently in the room when they are away - have a chocolate for children and pets.

17. Look at the air, in the water, or by the gentleness of a rucksack providing some 50 other calorine hours as walking with no resistance. People who are suffering from pedometers will also tend to lose more drainage and more losses.

18. Skonose-soloologen may require the story of the women on the way in which he went. In news, men find women in red sekerier as those 'coolen' skin haters like blue and green.

19. Foreign aksintsyndroam and eksploiteartskopsyndroom are real (but very rare) medical conditions. A person with eksploitaasjeksyndroam experience something, ûnferskrillige what seems to root from his head emerged.

20. Vitamin does not seem to help older women against cancer or heart disease.

21. Some men have pain, discomfort, or sneeze as a result of ejaculation. The increased functioning in nervosysteem well-being can be skulpe.

22. germ-deadende dii bacteria can disintegrate one place to another if you use them.

23. oatmeal, sintrumfruchten, and honey can seksdoerd increase and increase fertility. Oats produce a gemyk of the product in the bloedsoarch loss, vitamin C, improved skeletal and motility, and vitamin B beekeeping, which is important factor in blood pressure and call.

24. Nine nine percent of Americans say they have a vehicle replaced by the cost, then 23 percent percent of spending as a means to save money.

25. Facebook can be good for your health; Studied shows that contacts with family and friends can eliminate loss loss and can help get longer.


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