Tuesday 10 October 2017

Air pollution & Asthma

How many chances is ashma?
Competitors in the air have the same effect on children with asthma or other factors. It breathes respiratory oxygen, encourages them to give and prepare, and cause problems.

The candidates can also make children more convinient to escape airways (as cold), which can cause asthma symptoms. As atmospheric asthma, the medicines can even make the lungs more fun.

Which electrical is it possible?
You probably heard about layer layer and how it protects us from the sun. But there are different ozone directives called ground ozone level.

Relaxation may be harmful to the lungs. It forms as chemicals of car, power, and lighting companies with bright light. That "ozone pollution" is the first part of smog - the skin colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored are the head of the city. It is too high or in full length in the country. Almost 3.6 million children live in asthma in most of the high levels of ozone.

Difficult power can also cause problems problems. It creates when the point of the fabric, dust, smoke, roasting, and other things in the air. Less the particles, deeper than they can induce the lungs and cause acne problems.

How can I help my children?
Check Water Tick
If you live in an environment with high energy efficiency, pay attention at waste levels. You can get accessible information from warfare battles (online or in news) or through Environmental Protection on www.airnow.gov.

EPA e-mail (AQI) makes levels of:

Ground floor
safe particle
carbon monoxide
sulfur sulphate
nitrogenous substances
The AQI varies from time to time, from day to day. In cities with more than 350,000 people, states and local organizations are required to report each day to anyone. But most of the smaller areas are still AQI.

Other tips
In those days as air quality is poor, air force and loses your children abroad. Set the open air starts in the early days - when air quality is usually good - and avoid spending time in the area with lots of traffic.

When your kids are in sport you are outdoors in warm weather, talking about coaches on other programs, such as working in the wind. Make sure your kids have a fast medication.

Enhanced domestic improvement in your home is wise. You can do this with the help of windmills, wrapping the material gas to the public, and preventing illuminating in your home.

Tell your doctor about medical advice in times when the air strikes. This can be found in your part as your child's asthma program.

You can not guarantee the aerial batteries, but you can take these steps to help them fit as air quality is poor:

Ride not - split a length, car, cycle, or walk.
Stay no gas in your car until the ninth day.
Avoid using external carrier, gearbox, or car made cars.
Make your grease or use electrical appliances by the end of the day or until the quality of the wind will rise.
Use the stories, statutes, or grasses that carry the car.
If the barbecue is, use the electrical light instead of the electric lighting.


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