live a happy life

Many of us rely on a morning cup of coffee or a jolt of caffeine in the afternoon to help us get through the day.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

lemon useful in the body

The Benefits of Lemon Water: Detox Your Body & Skin

What is the easiest thing to do, treat skin care, help digestion, help you lose weight and Vitamin C? No, an elixir is not a sales agent evening. It's lemon juice.

While scientists had digested water for old age (medieval medieval medieval), some aquatic vessels began to do surgery and relaxation circuits in recent months. But is it really a water cure - all you need to eat or just another pamphlet? Let us enter into.
What is drinking water?

The materials are easy with health benefits, and most importantly they are an excellent source of vitamin C. A new lemon juice provides a daily diet of vitamin C nutrients daily, ie oranges! The juice also offers health care with potassium, magnesium and copper.

Check out what other benefits a cup of lemon juice adds to the addition of water glass. Here are some facts about lemon water:

61 calories
3 grams of protein
6 grams of sugar
0 grams of fat
112 milligrams of vitamin C (187% DV)
303 milligrams potasiomu (9% DV)
31.7 microlates of folic acid (8% DV)
0.1 milligrams of vitamin B6 (6% DV)
0.1 milligrams of thiamine (5% DV)
0.1 milligrams snake (4% DV)
1 grid strap (4% DV)
14.6 milligrams of magnesia (4% DV)
0.4 mg of vitamin E (DV 2%)

5 The benefits of other waters

For simple drinks, a list of lemon juice is beneficial. Even if you are not a great H2O breeder, you can end up in glass when you check how good it is for you and your stomach!
1. Aids to digestion and detoxification

Due to the atomic rate of nutrients that are more nutritious than the nutrients in the abdomen, you can make liver in the liver, which helps keep your body fluid and abdominal fluid. Another fluid also helps with the current defect or heart failure.

Acids found in young women have also been encouraged to do the best thing in some nutrients more slowly. Breakdown means that insulin levels are stable and that you get more food from the foods you eat. Good nutritional value means less. The year of hot water is able to facilitate the functioning of molecules in the body, tighten the liver and break the toes. Because it is gentle diuretic, you can use the bathroom regularly, which helps blue systems to remove all unwanted applications. All this helps the body and the body.

2. Make Vitamin C

Since your body is not vitamin C per se, it is important to consider the foods and beverages you eat. Fortunately, lemons are filled with vitamins.

What are the benefits of having the best vitamins C? It produces cellular cellular production, indispensable for your alcohol system to work well. As an antioxidant, vitamin C also protects cells from loss of expenses. In addition, complete vitamin C helps the system to prevent temperature and disease at the edge. Daily water intake is your own daily vitamin C insurance.
3. Repair your body and body healing

The antioxidants found in vitamin C do two works in lemon juice. They cause harm to living organisms, which make your bare skin appear. Acquiring Vitamin C from your water supply also helps to keep the body absorbed, communication facing the bands in the face. And, in a recent study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it often absorbs vitamin C on the skin which makes children and wrinkles smaller.
4. Help ta poun

Sending on lemon juice can help you lose the products. This is because lemon is pectin, the common type of fruit is fruit. The pectin has helped you with great joy; which means it will decrease all day. Also, do you know that when it's even easier, it looks more like headaches, tiredness and bad humor? The lemon juice below helps you to become clean and comfortable.
5. Increase power and mood

Discover the morning wake - lemon juice can increase the energy consumption without anger of caffeine. Here's how it works: our bodies are powered by knives and materials in diets. When ions do not have power, as is found in lemon, click on your food site, the result is an increase in energy levels in nature.

In addition, this is only a lemon juice that has been found to reduce stress levels and improve mood. Do not forget to provide glasses to teammates or your family members.
History and truths about lemon year

Here is a lemon juice and water: In the tenth decade, they use lemon trees as good ornaments. The crusades in the 11th century brought the plant to Europe, and it was the first appearance in the New World in the previous 1400s. Lemon and other rich C-rich vitamins are especially important for their ability to kill. Today, the first lions in Italy, Greece, Spain, Turkey and the United States.

And I love the benefits of lemon juice, many ways to use lemon. Here are my favorites:

Deodorize your kitchen about it. Add a cup of lemon to the destroyer, and hold it on a straight path and remove it from all the blacksmiths who eat and deodorize your kitchen. Do you need to look good at the right place? Add fresh lemon juice, cinnamon and cloves to the vacuum and simmer on the stove.

Use essential oil at all times. Make special special supplements, soda and coconut oil and start on the eggs. Allow a few minutes to trample the effects of the white tooth. Drink citrus juice, soda honey and honey for the screw to the eye. Do you need to increase your money before the arrival of the business? Revolutionary robotic machines will quickly eliminate tarnish.
How to buy and use lemon

Are Ready to Fly on a Lemon Water Tank? Here are some things to keep in the store:

Different different types of different types are available at the US airport. and the Lisbon lemons are sour and tarts. Eureka lemon contains colors and seeds. Lisbon lemons usually contain colors and seeds. Lemon, which is good, has become more common. These limones contain mandarins in their family tree, which gives these fruits more colorful than the traditional lemones.
When you buy lemon, remove for whole yellow and, if possible, organic. If the fruit is green, it is not completely ripe. Lemons made of skin peeled. Keep away from lemon juice, wrinkled or excessively hard.
Keeping the lemons in the sealed bag allows lemons to appear more often than drops at winter temperature.
To make lemon juice even easier, many lemon juices in a well ventilated and frozen lipstick. Make a few cubes in a glass of water to have a fresh lemon juice at all times.
By making a lot of lemon juice, it is best to use lemon juice to come to cold temperature or hot water - start with half a tablespoon of juice. Drinking cold water can shock your system.
You enjoy lemon juice every time you drink, but speaking in the morning will begin your day. Try a glass about half an hour before morning; The condominium in your stomach will help you to improve your diet.

Lemon Protocols

Drinking water is excellent water, an inexpensive drink, but if you want to have lemon benefits in other ways, try some of my favorite honeymoon drinks.

Benefits of Lemon

First time: 35 minutes

Action: 9


1 cup of oats
There is once a plaintiff pleading
¼ c. Salt and water tea
½ teaspoon of soda
6 lemon juice
4 white
1 / 4-1 / 2 teaspoon of stevia
8 ounces applesauce


Cut the stove to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Mii 8 x 8 pan with coconut oil.
Combine oatmeal, whey, salt and soda together.
In a different bowl, combine lemon, white, stevia and apple sauce.
Combine the two objects in

Tuesday 26 September 2017

How important is a coconut water

What is coconut water? Green Beehive

Coconut water is a well-known water in a child's coconut leather that equals the size of a basketball. For example, young bulls are harvested for 5-7 months to get plenty of water.

As coal increases, it replaces water through a "meat" basin. The best health benefits of coconut water come from the drinking water from the yellow, not from the coconut milk, which is below the nutrients.

Water in river basins has been destroyed for centuries in countries where three cities have been supposed to deal with many health problems. In Sanskrit, the coconut is called "vriksha", which means "tree that gives all the necessities of life".

In emergencies, hydration is used for the suspicion of hydration because the high volume electrolyte content is high and it is sterile if used directly from coconut. People all over the world enjoy seafood for many benefits and fun ideas.

Recently, the health of the coconut increases to be at all, because many consumers call it "physical drinks" and "life of preparation". But, is the right of water good for you, the true truth?


Water in coconut contains 46 calories per cup, 10 grams of natural sugar, with a little protein and is free! It contains many vitamins, minerals and personal organs ideal for human health. (1)

The first area is coconut in potassium. It contains about 600 mg (12% DV) making it a high quality electrolyte drink. Dry water with a little sodium water, about 40 mg and up to 10% of your daily calcium and magnesium. (2)

Tracers are essential for maintaining blood pressure, heart problems, and preventing burning. Maintaining technical levels can help reduce risks, disorders and help maintain muscle impairment.

What is the effectiveness of water for the skin?

Daily consumption is essential for good health because water contributes to digestion, drainage, absorption and even immense.

But what about drinking water for a healthy body? Water is said to be a source of light, health and the best, but others say it does not affect the appearance of the body.

What is true?

It is true that the body is an organ and like any other part of the body. Its color is from the egg. And the skin, like any other phone of the body, is water. Without water, the organs will work well or will be better.

If your skin does not have enough water, the tolerant agent will show you by turning your skin around, difficult and weak. Drinking is a power that has no power and is more to drink.

As water is lost in large quantities every day, you need to be replaced in the same way. Undeniable information about drinking water and skin is that water will absorb all other organs before the skin. Therefore, it is important to use water in our skin and kill it there - this does not indicate the difference in hydration, but it can also endanger the damage.

So what is the best way to water the skin?
Apply a moisturizing moisturizer within two minutes of washing the bath or paper. The skin is still plastic and harmful to the products that are used after the measurement or bath, which gives more collection.
Add a hyaluronic acid product to your moisturizer, such as Skinceuticals Hydrating B5 Gel (available from Jeune Skin Care). Hyaluronic acid is 1000 times its body weight, so it draws water on its skin and holds it back.
Take more water. Drinking at least four glasses a day relieves skin and skin toxins. Not everyone believes that the strength of the water will improve ... but surely this can not hurt. Many people say that by giving their water, their skin has a lot of light. Those who suffer from acne have reported the same results. Nothing will happen tonight but even two good weeks for the water intake should be enough to see how hydration will affect your body.
