live a happy life

Many of us rely on a morning cup of coffee or a jolt of caffeine in the afternoon to help us get through the day.

Thursday 15 February 2018

Is It Dangerous to Eat Really Hot Peppers?

It’s standard for spicy food to cause your upper lip to sweat, your nose to run, and your mouth to feel like it’s on fire. But can eating hot peppers mess with your health post-meal? The question is worth considering, especially as the ALS Pepper Challenge (AKA the Ice Bucket Challenge 2.0) gains popularity.
Stars like Kelly Clarkson and Shaquille O’Neal have been spotted swallowing spicy stuff for the challenge, which aims to raise awareness and funds for the neurodegenerative disease. But while we watched them struggle to chomp on crazy hot peppers, we couldn’t help but wonder: What makes chilies so darn fiery and are they even safe to nosh on in excess? Here, we pepper nutritionist Wendy Bazilian, DrPH, with all our burning questions. Read the below before you eat a heap of habaneros.

What makes peppers so hot?

The main compound that gives chilies their signature kick is a phytonutrient called capsaicin. “Capsaicin attaches to the receptors on the taste buds that detect temperature and sends signals of spicy heat to the brain,” explains Bazilian, who’s also the author of Eat Clean, Stay Lean.
The amount of heat a pepper packs has to do with the level of capsaicin it contains. To figure out how spicy a certain type of hot pepper is, adventurous eaters can refer to the Scoville scale, which ranks varieties from most to least spicy based on their capsaicin concentration. The scale ranges from standard bell peppers that have no capsaicin to ghost peppers and the Trinidad scorpion–the spiciest chilies around.

Dangers of eating hot peppers

“It’s a bit of a myth that hot peppers can actually create physical damage to the esophagus or tongue,” says Bazilian. But that doesn’t mean there are no dangers associated with noshing on fiery foods. Why? When we eat very hot peppers, the brain receives "pain" signals that can result in an upset stomach, nausea, or vomiting, says Bazilian. The stomach reacts as if you've consumed a toxic substance and works to release whatever was just eaten–i.e. spicy peppers–stat.
“If vomiting occurs, the acid that comes up from the stomach can irritate the esophagus,” explains Bazilian. Depending how hot a pepper is, that irritation can cause serious damage. Back in October 2016, one man actually burned a hole in his esophagus after consuming (and subsequently retching) ghost peppers during an eating contest. Other potential reactions to eating super-spicy peppers include numbness and breathing difficulties.

Health benefits of hot peppers

To complicate things, eating hot peppers can also deliver health benefits. Research suggests that certain capsaicin-rich ingredients, like cayenne pepper, can help eaters slim down by curbing appetite and revving the body’s calorie-burning abilities. What’s more, cayenne has also been shown to help clear sinuses, ease pain, and curb the growth of some bacteria.
To reap the benefits of hot peppers, choose varieties that aren’t too high on the Scoville scale and consume them in tasty meals, rather than straight up. “This way the impact on the tongue, esophagus, and stomach is less, too,” says Bazilian.

Health benefits of hot peppers

To complicate things, eating hot peppers can also deliver health benefits. Research suggests that certain capsaicin-rich ingredients, like cayenne pepper, can help eaters slim down by curbing appetite and revving the body’s calorie-burning abilities. What’s more, cayenne has also been shown to help clear sinuses, ease pain, and curb the growth of some bacteria.
To reap the benefits of hot peppers, choose varieties that aren’t too high on the Scoville scale and consume them in tasty meals, rather than straight up. “This way the impact on the tongue, esophagus, and stomach is less, too,” says Bazilian.

Massage Can Help Treat Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is the leading cause of job disability in the world. About one in ten people have it, and for many who develop back pain, the condition becomes chronic.
Now, a new study finds that massage may provide lasting relief for chronic lower back pain, according to research published in the journal Pain Medicine.

To see how people in the real world respond to massage, researchers looked at 104 people with persistent back pain who were referred by their doctors to licensed massage therapists. They went to 10 sessions over 12 weeks, and the practitioners were free to design massage programs that were individual to the patients, rather than all using the same technique.

At the end of the study, most people completed a questionnaire, and more than 50% reported clinically meaningful improvement in their back pain. Several people improved so much that their scores on a standard screening test dropped below the threshold for disability, says lead author Niki Munk, an assistant professor of heath sciences at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. (Munk, who is also a licensed massage therapist, conducted the research while at the University of Kentucky.)

Many of those improvements lasted. Three months later, with no further massage sessions, 75% of the people who reported initial improvement said they still felt better. “They’d reverted back a little bit, but they were still significantly more improved than they were at the start of the study,” says Munk.
More research is needed to figure out exactly how massage works to reduce pain, but some research suggests that massage directly reduces inflammation in muscles.
Munk points out that the study included a diverse group of patients; some were obese, some had other health conditions that contributed to their back pain and others were taking opioid pain medications. “They reflect real-life,” Munk says. When a patient comes in with chronic lower back pain, it’s rare that they don’t have more, she says.
The researchers saw improvement across the board, but they did notice a few trends based on demographics. Adults ages 49 and older were more likely to meaningfully improve than younger patients. While people with obesity tended to improve, those gains didn’t last over time. And people taking opioids were two times less likely to experience meaningful changes, compared to those not taking them.

However, the researchers note, massage is rarely covered by health insurance. While study participants received their sessions free of charge, people who can afford it will need to weigh the costs with potential benefits.
That’s why more studies are needed, says Munk: to help people decide whether massage is really worth the out-of-pocket cost. Future research should investigate whether massage can help people avoid back surgeries, she says, and how many sessions are really needed to provide lasting improvement.

5 Moves to Prevent Back Pain

Back pain is super common, especially as our lifestyles are becoming increasingly sedentary. Do not despair! There are ways to prevent and even lessen the effects of back pain. Watch this video to learn five exercises that you can add into your daily routine to strengthen your core and keep the aches and pains at bay.
Don’t have time to watch? Here’s the full transcript:
Back pain is super common, especially if you work at a desk, or if you don’t have a regular fitness routine. The best way to tackle it is by strengthening your core. So, here are five moves to help prevent back pain.
Bird dog: This move is great for working your core. I especially like it because it works your cross-body myofascial chain. You're going to come into your tabletop position. Hands are stacked under your shoulders. Knees are underneath your hips. You're going to find a neutral spine so you're not pressing up or sinking down, right in the middle. I want you to reach your right hand forward, left leg back. Really reach toward opposite sides of the room, then come back through neutral and switch sides.

Forearm plank reach: This move is a moving forearm plank that forces you to activate your core as you move to different positions. You’re going to come onto your elbows and find a nice, solid core. I like to widen my feet so I’m super stable. From here, you’re going to reach one hand forward, and then alternate. Notice that my hips are not moving. That is your goal, to keep your hips nice and still, and parallel to the ground.
World’s greatest stretch: This move is great because it opens up both your hips and your back. Often times, back pain can be the result of tightness in other areas of your body such as your upper back or your hips, so you want to stretch them. Come into a plank, bring your hands underneath your shoulders, you’re going to bring your right foot up to meet your right hand, and then you’re going to twist open. You’re going to make sure that left leg stays straight by squeezing your butt. Then you’re going to switch sides. Left foot to left hand, open up, and repeat.

Spinal twist: This move is a twist designed to open up your T-spine, which is your middle spine. So to prevent back pain, you want to create stability in your lower spine and mobility in your middle spine.
Come down to the ground and bring your knees into your chest. Stack your shoulders and your hands on top of each other, and then you’re going to open up, reaching that top hand towards the back wall and then back. Make sure you do it on both sides.
Hollow hold leg twist: For this move, you will just need a towel—fold it in half and then roll it up. Place it underneath your lower back and then lie down against it.

Engage your core. You can bring your neck off the ground. Then do a hollow hold with alternating legs. The towel is there for you to press into, give you some feedback, and make sure you’re activating your lower core. 

6 Foods to Eat If You Want to Feel Sexier (And Who Doesn't?!)

You already know that chocolate has a reputation as a potent aphrodisiac, thanks in part to its high caffeine and antioxidant content and melt-in-your-mouth texture. No wonder chocolate in all forms is tempting you in store windows and on your social feed right now, as Valentine's Day is about to arrive.
But chocolate isn't the only food that can prime you physically or mentally for a bedroom session. Plenty of others can also put you in a let's-get-it-on kind of mindset, research suggests. Some amp your libido and energy, others give you a mood boost, and some simply have a silky, sensual deliciousness that makes you feel relaxed and indulgent. If you're hoping for some sexytime this Valentine's Day, put these six expert-recommended aphrodisiacs on your menu.

Olive oil

Ancient Greeks considered olive oil to be a cure for impotence, and they're clearly onto something. Rich in monosaturated fats, this oil can help increase blood flow, says nutritionist Julie Upton, RD. Better blood flow means more energy and circulation, which can make you feel more aroused.

Maca powder

Maca is a South American plant cultivated in the Andes for thousands of years. Newly trendy as a powder you can add to soups, acai bowls, and smoothies, a preliminary study suggests that it can pump libido—perhaps because it's such a nutritional superstar, loaded with energy- and libido-boosting amino acids, zinc, and iron.


Oysters have long been considered an aphrodisiac, but they're not the only seafood that can ignite desire. Upton says that scallops, mussels, and clams all contain two specific amino acids that increase sex hormone production in men and women. There's one catch though: These bivalves "must be eaten raw to score the nutritional benefits," notes Upton. Good thing oysters and scallops can be consumed uncooked, she says.


A candle-lit steak dinner may sound super romantic, but plant-based protein is actually the best for your sexual health. The top choices? "Choose nuts," suggests Upton, who adds that the monosaturated fat in tree nuts such as almonds makes them excellent for heart health—as well as the health of your private parts, since they help improve blood flow down below, she says. Consume almonds as a snack, blend them into smoothies, or add them to your main course as a topping or crunchy crust.

Red pepper

Chefs add hot peppers to spice up a dish—and they can spice you up as well. Red chile peppers fire up nerve endings, make you sweat, and give you an adrenaline-boosting energy surge you can put to good use in the bedroom. Like all spices, they also have anti-inflammatory properties and make you feel more healthy overall, says Upton.


Soy-based foods like tofu are high in protein, providing a steady energy surge to power sexual stamina. Soy products are also low in saturated fat and can increase blood flow and potentially boost arousal. And though it's controversial, some studies have suggested that the natural estrogen in soy-based foods, phytoestrogens, can supplement your own natural estrogen, possibly affecting arousal.
Just as important as what you eat, however, is who you're enjoying your food with and the atmosphere you're dining in. Those environmental factors can make it so a food that doesn't have any known aphrodisiac powers still leaves you feeling sexy. "The good news is your brain is the largest sex organ," says Donnica Moore, MD, a gynecologist and host of the podcast In the Ladies Room With Dr. Donnica. "If a pleasant memory from your past involved a particular food, the next time you eat it you may associate it with sexual desire."

Cucumber Mint Tonic

A lot of digestive issues can be caused by inflammation; that area of the body gets very hot,” says Axe. “Cucumber and mint are both very cooling.” Research shows mint may help relieve IBS by soothing pain from inflammation in the GI tract.

Recipe Is:

Friday 9 February 2018

Interesting Benefits Of Sunflower

Sunflowers have abundant health benefits that ensure a healthy life in the long run. You can reap the health benefits of sunflowers in two different ways; one way is with sunflower seeds and the other is from sunflower oil. Sunflower seeds improve digestionbrain power, and the functioning of the cardiovascular system; they are rich in magnesiumpotassiumseleniumzinc, and iron. On the other hand, sunflower oil prevents heart diseases and is a great skin moisture retainer.
The beautiful sunflower plant, with its bright yellow petals is a great treat to the eyes. These petals have a seed-studded center, which is grayish-green in color. These seeds are encased in teardrop-shaped gray or black shells with black and white stripes. Sunflower seeds have a high oil content and have been one of the primary sources used to extract polyunsaturated oil. The sunflower seeds with shells have a mild nutty taste and a tender texture.

Health Benefits Of Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are very low in cholesterol and sodium, thereby protecting your heart. These seeds are a good source of vitamin B6, thiamin, magnesium, copperphosphorusmanganese, selenium, and vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol). To keep your daily nutrition upright, you should opt for these seeds. They are also very good for your digestion and brain health.

Prevent Cellular Damage

Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, which is a vital component of your day-to-day nutritional needs. These seeds are great antioxidants that stop the extensive spread of free radicals within the human body, as free radicals can lead to a variety of cellular damage and diseases. Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, which aids in a proper functioning of the circulatory system. Vitamin E also helps the blood to clot readily when you experience external wounds, thereby helping speed up the healing process. Sunflower seeds also help to lower the risk of cardiac diseases and diabetes. The selenium present in sunflower seeds repairs cellular damage and eliminates the spread of cancerous cells.

Improve Digestion

Sunflower seeds have a large amount of dietary fiber. If your body is deficient in fiber, you may experience a host of health problems like constipationpiles, hemorrhoids, colon cancer and many others. Severe digestive problems can even increase toxicity within your intestines. The recommended amount of fiber is around 30 grams per day for an adult. However, it has been noted in surveys that most people fail to consume even 15 grams per day. By including sunflower seeds in your diet, you can easily get a rich supply of the dietary fiber and reduce the possibility of digestion-related problems.

ncrease Energy Levels

Most athletes enjoy eating sunflower seeds, as these seeds offer high amounts of protein and carbohydrates. They aid the liver’s discharge of glycogen into the bloodstream, which (glycogen) is a form of sugar; thereby providing an extra boost of quick energy.

Strengthen Bones and Muscles

The iron in sunflower seeds distributes oxygen to your muscles, while zinc strengthens your immune system and helps you avoid coughs and cold. Magnesium is also essential for strong bones and energy production. Almost 2/3 of the magnesium in the human body is stored in the bones. Magnesium aids the bones in their physical structure and strength, while the remaining magnesium is found on the surface of the bones, which is used up by the body as required. The high magnesium content in sunflower seeds lowers your blood pressure; thus reducing the possibility of a heart attack or stroke.

SunflowerImprove Brain Health

It has been proven in several studies that sunflower seeds can actually have a calming effect on your brain and also help uplift your mood. This property of sunflower seeds is due to the high content of tryptophan present within the seeds. When you have foods containing tryptophan, it effectively increases your brain’s fabrication of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter. Serotonin also effectively reduces tension, thereby creating a relaxed feeling. The choline content in these seeds plays a vital role in memory and vision functions.
Sunflower seeds have high amounts of betaine, which effectively protects against cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure. Moreover, the presence of arginine in these seeds is also responsible for a healthy heart. The lignans keep blood cholesterol at appropriate levels, thus preventing heart attacks and atherosclerosis.

Helpful During Pregnancy

Sunflower seeds are abundant in folate content, also known as folic acid, which is a type of vitamin B. Folate is very good for pregnancy, as it helps in the production of new cells in the body, thereby promoting the replication of DNA and RNA, which is very significant for the growth and development of the fetus. It works in association with vitamin B-12 to form hemoglobin in the red blood cells. By having enough folate in your body, you also lower your chances of heart ailments.

Health Benefits Of Sunflower Oil

Sunflower oil is probably most commonly heard whenever we discuss frying or cooking. It is a non-volatile oil produced from sunflower seeds. The most common use of sunflower oil is in frying, as well as in cosmetic formulations like lip balms and skin creams, as a soothing agent. Whenever we hear about someone having a heart attack, the first thought is that the person should exercise regularly and use sunflower oil brand for cooking. Various health awareness programs have spread the useful information that sunflower oil is the best option to keep your heart healthy even after consuming fried foods.
The health benefits of sunflower oil are almost same as that of sunflower seeds since the origin of sunflower oil is from the parent seeds. The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats present in sunflower oil provide energy and also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Like the seeds, sunflower oil also has choline and phenolic acid that prevent heart diseases.
It is believed that sunflower oil also has an important role to play in skin care. Some people use sunflower oil for massaging premature infants having low birth weight or other complications. It is claimed that this effectively lowers the chances of developing skin infections. Since their organs (including their skin) are in an underdeveloped stage, this oil acts as a protective barrier. However, sufficient scientific literature is not available on this benefit of sunflower oil.
Like the sunflower seed, sunflower oil is also rich in vitamin E. Thus, being an antioxidant, it counterbalances cancer-causing free radicals. Vitamin E also prevents asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and colon cancer. While the magnesium content prevents muscle cramps, tryptophan helps in relaxing the brain and cures insomnia. Sunflower oil also has palmitic acid (used in anti-psychotic medicines), stearic acid, lecithin, tocopherols, carotenoids, and selenium. This oil is also rich in proteins, copper, iron, zinc, calcium, and omega-6 fatty acids.
In today’s fast-paced lifestyle and chronic levels of stress, along with commonly tedious professional lives, we hardly have time to check and consume nutritious foods, but by using sunflower oil in our kitchens we can at least improve the quality of cooking. A fatty diet, fast food, and a lack of exercise have the possibility of resulting in obesity. The generational trend is moving fast towards foods and meals with unhealthy ingredients that can have a lasting impact on your health. Many of these foods don’t provide any protein, vitamins, or essential nutrients. By incorporating sunflower oil into your diet, you can lead a healthy life by reaping its ultimate benefits, as discussed above. The majority of restaurants and food manufacturers are well aware of the health benefits of sunflower oil; whether they use it or not is their choice.
The versatility of this oil has prompted its usage to a wide extent. Sunflower oil can be used in extremely high cooking temperatures and keep the food fresh and healthy for a much longer time. Sunflower seeds also enrich your food’s flavor. They can be sprinkled over salads, cereals, soups, desserts, snacks, and can also be mixed with vegetables. To savor a tasty, healthy, and quick energy-giving snack, add sunflower seeds to any of your recipes.

Origin of Sunflower Seeds & Sunflower Oil
Sunflowers are believed to have originated in Mexico and Peru. In the United States, sunflowers are known to have been cultivated during ancient times. The Native Americans used sunflowers for more than 5,000 years. They not only used the seeds as a premium food and an oil source, but also utilized the flowers, roots, and stems for different purposes such as for dye pigment. Sunflowers were introduced to Europe by Spanish explorers. They were first grown in Spain and then subsequently introduced to other neighboring countries. Currently, sunflower oil is one of the most popular oils in the world. Today, the major commercial markets of sunflowers include Russia, Spain, Argentina, France, Peru, and China.

Amazing Anti-Inflammatory Herbs

People turn to anti-inflammatory herbs for countless reasons, due to their accessibility, efficacy, and natural quality. Inflammation is one of the most common and widespread issues in the body and is quite simply, the body’s response to an immune reaction.

What Causes Inflammation?

Inflammation can occur in any part of the body, and for dozens of different reasons, from infections to physical damage. The challenge with inflammation is that it is the body’s attempt to protect itself from pathogens, irritants, pollutants, and other foreign substances in the system.
When an immune response is triggered in the body, the immune system sends a stream of white blood cells to the affected area. Chemicals are released by the white blood vessels, including cytokines and histamines, which can trigger an increase in blood flow to the area. When more blood flows into those areas, it can cause redness, swelling, and warmth in the affected areas.
An overactive immune response can result in allergic reactions, and in extreme situations, autoimmune diseases. Inflammation of one kind or another has been linked to everything from arthritisgout, and irritable bowel syndrome to an increased risk of cancer. Chronic inflammation can significantly increase oxidative stress, which also leads to chronic diseases.
While there are many anti-inflammatory drugs and home remedies that can treat an inflammatory situation, many people choose anti-inflammatory herbs instead. These herbs can be used in various ways, and extensive anecdotal evidence has taught us what specific benefits these herbs can provide.

List Of Anti-Inflammatory Herbs

The best anti-inflammatory herbs are basil, fennel seedsgarlicrosemaryturmeric, cinnamon, ginger, black pepperclovessage, and oregano.


Benefits – Known as one of the strongest anti-inflammatory herbs you can find, turmeric has an active ingredient called curcumin, which can help reduce inflammation on the skin, such as the irritation caused by psoriasiseczemarosacea, or acne. Curcumin is also linked to soothing gastrointestinal distress and lowering acidity levels in the gut, which can eliminate inflammation.
How to Use – Turmeric powder is a popular spice in many different cuisines, but for a more concentrated dose of this herb’s benefits, you can brew a strong turmeric tea from this spice. Furthermore, some people prepare a turmeric paste and topically apply it on the site of joint pain or inflammation.


Benefits – In terms of anti-inflammatory herbs, ginger is one of the most effective herbs. It can soothe inflammation of the stomach lining, and also mitigate the allergic response of the body. Regular consumption of ginger has also been connected with improved symptoms of osteoarthritis.
How to Use – If you are suffering from stomach upset, then an easy brew of ginger tea can help calm that discomfort. Ginger added to your food in raw form can help to soothe stiffness and pain throughout the body. Creating a ginger poultice is also great for acute pain and inflammation from gout or an injury.


Benefits – The essential oils of cloves have been connected to anti-inflammatory activity within the body, and traditional medicine often relies on cloves to topically and internally treat chronic pain and inflammation. Cloves are rich in eugenol, which functions as an antioxidant to further reduce inflammation in tissues and organ systems.
How to Use – Cloves can be used in cooking in whole or powdered form, and this is the most common application. However, clove is also used in topical forms, particularly for the gums and joints. Clove oil is also very popular and is extremely potent, so only a small amount is needed for the effects to be felt.


Benefits – Sage contains the same active ingredient as rosemary, rosmarinic acid, which has proven benefits for arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome and other common inflammatory conditions, including those that affect the skin. Regular use of sage has also been linked to lower levels of oxidative stress, which is often caused by inflammation.
How to Use – Sage can be brewed into a strong, earthy tea for inflammation of the respiratory system and the stomach while adding fresh sage to your meals and culinary attempts can help reduce the symptoms of arthritis, and lower blood pressure, which can reduce headaches.


Benefits – One of the active ingredients in rosemary, rosmarinic acid, has been widely researched in connection with arthritis symptoms. This compound has also been shown to reduce muscle spasms and inflammation in the gut, which can help to settle the stomach and prevent vomiting and diarrhea. The symptoms of Crohn’s disease, another inflammatory autoimmune disease, can also be mitigated by the use of rosemary.
How to Use – The most common use of this herb for inflammatory conditions is in the form of rosemary essential oil, but it can also be added to a variety of dishes. Rosemary leaves can also be made into topical poultices for inflammation.


Benefits – Garlic is rich in sulfuric compounds, as well as various antioxidants, including the active ingredient – allicin. This substance is able to reduce inflammation in the cardiovascular system and is also tied to a reduction in oxidative stress throughout the body. Selenium levels are also quite high in garlic, which is linked to soothing arthritis symptoms and easing the pain of inflammatory joint disease.
How to Use – Garlic powder or raw garlic can be added to countless different meals. Garlic extract is also a popular supplement for people to consume on a daily basis. Garlic poultices are also effective topical remedies for inflamed joints and pain.

Black Pepper

Benefits – Thanks to the active ingredient piperine, black pepper is one of the best anti-inflammatory herbs. Black pepper has been shown in research to specifically stop the early inflammatory response of the body to acute injuries and immunity. This can prevent conditions like headaches and flare-ups of gout, as well as symptoms of sinus and gastrointestinal infections.
How to Use – You can add black pepper to hundreds of dishes, or you can soak fresh peppercorns in water overnight and then drink the water in the morning.

Fennel Seeds

Benefits – Fennel seeds have long been known to reduce symptoms of chronic pain and inflammation, particularly following intense physical activity. In terms of your stomach, fennel is often used as a digestive, as it can soothe inflammation and regulate acidity levels in the gut, preventing unpleasant gastrointestinal side effects.
How to Use – Fennel seeds can be added to certain dishes in their whole form, but these seeds can also be ground up and used for other poultices or infusions. Fennel tea is also quite easy to brew and can soothe inflammation in the respiratory system, sinus cavities, and gut.

Thursday 8 February 2018

Impressive Benefits Of Mustard Essential Oil

The health benefits of mustard essential oil can be attributed to its properties as a stimulant, irritant, appetizer, antibacterial, antifungal, insect repellant, hair vitalizer, cordial, diaphoretic, antirheumatic, and tonic substance.

About Mustard Essential Oil

Mustard oil had contradictory reputations in different parts of the world over the years. It is a very popular oil in the Indian subcontinent and in Bangladesh. It is used as an edible oil and is considered very healthy, whereas, in the rest of the world, it is often considered toxic, irritable, and not suitable for edible purposes. In some parts of Europe, there is a ban on selling this oil and in some other countries; it is sold as a massage oil reserved for external application only.
Mustard essential oil is totally different from mustard oil, not because it is extracted from anything else, but in terms of the process of extraction, chemical composition, and medicinal properties. Both of these oils are extracted from the seeds of mustard, which bears the scientific name Brassica Nigra (Black Mustard) or Brassica Hirta (White Mustard).
While mustard oil is extracted by cold compression of mustard seeds, its essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of mustard seeds soaked in water, and that is where the major difference occurs. Mustard seeds (black or white) contain an enzyme called myrosinase and a glucosinolate called sinigrin. These two remain isolated in mustard seeds under normal conditions but react when the seeds are subjected to pressure or heat. In the presence of water, these two components react to form allyl isothiocyanate (in case of black mustard) and normal isothiocyanate (in case of white mustard), which is a toxic compound.
Allyl isothiocyanate present in mustard essential oil, accompanied by certain fatty acids like oleic, linoleic, and erucic acid, has been proven to have certain health benefits, which are discussed in greater detail below.

Health Benefits Of Mustard Essential Oil

The health benefits of mustard essential oil are mentioned below in detail;

Stimulates Circulation

Mustard essential oil is a very strong stimulant, just like mustard oil. If used externally for the purpose of massage, it boosts circulation very well. It also promotes digestion by stimulating the secretion of gastric juices and bile from the spleen and liver. The excretory system is also aided by this oil since the peristaltic motion of the intestines is activated, thus benefiting digestion.

Acts as an Irritant

Although being an irritant is not often seen as a good thing, it can be beneficial in some cases. Irritation is nothing but a way that an organ reacts to an external agent or stimulus. It also shows that the organ is responding to external stimuli. This property can be used to bring sensation back to the organs suffering from numbness or lack of sensation. Mustard essential oil is also used to pump up muscles and stimulate muscle growth or excitation.

Boosts Appetite

Mustard essential oil acts as an appetizer and boosts hunger. This can also be a side effect of the irritant and stimulant qualities of this oil. It irritates the inner lining of the stomach and intestines, stimulates digestive juices, and creates a feeling of hunger.

Fights Bacterial Infections

This essential oil has bactericidal or antibacterial properties. Internally, it fights bacterial infections in the colon, digestive system, excretory system, and urinary tract. When applied externally, it can treat bacterial infections on the skin.

Prevents Fungal Infections

This oil serves as an antifungal agent, due to the presence of allyl isothiocyanate. It does not allow fungal growth and also inhibits the spread of infection if it has already formed.

Useful Insect Repellent

Mustard essential oil acts as a useful insect repellent as well. It can be used in fumigants and vaporizers to drive away insects.

Hair Care

The presence of fatty acids such as oleic and linoleic acid make mustard essential oil an efficient hair revitalizer. Its stimulating effects increase blood circulation in the scalp while the fatty acids nourish the hair roots. It has been repeatedly shown that prolonged use of this oil can effectively prevent hair loss.

Prevents Phlegm

The feeling of warmth that this oil provides makes it very cordial. It warms up the respiratory system and protects it from the formation and accumulation of phlegm. This may be partially due to its stimulating and mildly irritating effects.

Promotes Sweating

Mustard essential oil promotes sweating, both when consumed and when applied externally. It stimulates sweat glands to produce more sweat as well as enlarges the openings of the pores on the skin. This property is helpful in lowering body temperature as well as for removing toxins, excess salts, and water from the body.

Excellent Toner

This oil serves as an all-around tonic for your body’s health. It tones up all the systems operating in the body, gives strength, and boosts the immune function.

Reduces Symptoms of Arthritis

Mustard essential oil provides relief for symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis and has been used for this purpose since ancient times.

Other Benefits

It is beneficial in treating cold & cough, headache, congestion resulting from cold, body pain, and is helpful for muscle growth. It can also be rubbed on gums to strengthen them. It also protects the teeth from germs. This oil contains a good percentage of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamin E, which have their exclusive health benefits.

Impressive Benefits Of Sodium

Sodium is an extremely important electrolyte and an essential ion present in the extracellular fluid (ECF). One of the health benefits of sodium is the pivotal role it plays in enzyme operations and muscle contraction. It is very important for osmoregulation and fluid maintenance within the human body. Other health benefits include improved heart performance, nervous system, and glucose absorption.

What Is The Importance Of Sodium?

Sodium is needed for blood regulation and its absence can cause serious impairment of bodily functions. It is a versatile element and occurs in more than eighty different forms. As an electrolyte, it regulates the bodily fluids and transmits electrical impulses in the body. Unlike other vitamins and minerals, heat has no effect on it. Therefore, it can be used in different ways and preparations without losing its effects. Also, it is an important constituent of nerves and helps to regulate muscle contractions.
Although sodium is an essential nutrient in any balanced diet, it can also cause stomach cancer and hypertension. People suffering from kidney problems or edema should restrict their intake to protect against those health risks. In short, it is a vital component in the human diet for the regulation of cellular activity and nervous system function.  Supplemental doses of this nutrient are necessary when you sweat profusely, have sunstroke or suffer from adrenal insufficiency. It is regularly excreted in the urine and poses no inherent toxicity or risk.

Deficiency Symptoms Of Sodium

The recommended intake of sodium is 2400mg/day. If you do not supply your body with enough sodium, the deficiency symptoms can range from irritating to fatal. One of the most seriously impacted areas of the body is the nervous system, which will begin to shut down. In general, its deficiency leads to diarrhea, vomiting, headache, weakness, low blood pressure, lethargy, weight loss, confusion, dizziness, and muscular irritability.
While the deficiency of sodium is dangerous, excess levels can also cause high blood pressure, swelling of the neural tissues and nerves, and cerebral edema. If the situation is not alleviated, it can even lead to a coma.Sea salt rich in sodium
Reduction in the amount of sodium also reduces the fat accumulated in the peripheral parts of the body. Furthermore, excess sodium elevates the chances of lung infection. Depletion of the level of sodium is an invitation to a host of diseases that can cause exhaustion, exertion, and mental apathy.

Important Sources Of Sodium

The best sources of sodium are apples, common salt, homemade soups, cabbageegg yolks, pulses, and bananas. Even carrots, baking powder and baking sodaturnips, leafy vegetables and dried peas are good sources. Processed cheese, smoked fish, salty meats, snacks, pickles, and sauce contain ample amount, but they come with other health concerns.

Health Benefits Of Sodium

Sodium is generally present in very small quantities in nearly every natural food. When it is added in the form of a common salt, it not only increases the flavor but also completes the necessary requirement of a balanced diet. The health benefits include:

Regulates Fluid Levels

Sodium is one of the minerals that helps to regulate fluid levels in the human body. Sodium and water balance are closely linked. Sodium gateways and channels are what pump water into the cell and regulate the amount of extracellular fluid in the body.

Prevents Sunstroke

It is caused due to the failure of the heat regulating system in the human body. This form of heat exhaustion is caused due to continuous exposure to very high temperatures. This exposure causes the body to lose its capacity to maintain a normal temperature. This condition is further aggravated due to the loss of salt and water from the body. Thus, sodium plays a vital role in preventing sunstroke or heat exhaustion by replacing the loss of essential electrolytes. Besides water, drinking fluids containing salt and sugar is favorable against sunstroke. Salt can also be mixed with the juice of raw mangos to provide even more relief. Sodium levels and fluid balance are very important for endurance athletes as well as those who live extremely active lifestyles.

Improves Brain Function

The brain is very sensitive to change in sodium levels of the body; deficiency of sodium often manifests as confusion and lethargy. It aids in keeping the mind sharp, and it is an important element for the development of the brain since it works to improve brain function.

Relieves Muscle Cramps

These are caused mostly during the hot summer months due to electrolyte imbalance and dehydration. Along with properly hydrating the body, it is also important to supplement one’s body with sodium-rich juices and fluids to restore a number of electrolytes.

Skin Care

Sodium is an important hydrating product in many anti-aging creams. It defends against the free radicals that accelerate the aging process. Furthermore, it helps to restore youthful and healthy skin.

Eliminates Carbon Dioxide

Sodium plays an important role in the removal of any excess carbon dioxide that has accumulated in the body.

Controls Glucose Absorption

Sodium helps to facilitate the absorption of glucose by cells, resulting in the smooth transportation of nutrients in the body’s cell membranes.

Maintains Acid-base Balance

By altering the proportions of acid-base alkali phosphates in the body, sodium controls the reaction of the kidneys and the frequency and content of urination.

Regulates Fluids

One of the most notable health benefits of sodium is its ability to balance the osmotic pressure in the human body due to the regulation of fluid in the body’s cells.

Balances Ions

Sodium shares an association with chlorides and bicarbonates in maintaining a sound balance between two types of ions, both positively charged ions, and negatively charged ones.

Controls Blood Pressure

Sodium can help to maintain normal contractions of the heart. It plays a vital role in maintaining the blood pressure of the human body, but an excessive increase in its content can dramatically boost the blood pressure and result in serious health complications.
